Taibo II, Paco Ignacio. Return to the Same City

literature: detective stories* bibliographieTAÏBO II, Paco Ignatio (1949 -....)

 Mysterious Press: 1996. 92 pages. ISBN: 0892965908
"Mexico City’s one-eyed HECTOR BELASCOARÁN SHAYNE (his mother was Irish) is a rather philosophical gumshoe, obsessed with politics, who shares his office with an upholsterer, a plumber and a sewage engineer, which gives him ample opportunity to air his views. Introspective, cynical, and fatalistic to a fault, he’s an interesting addition to the genre, offering a fresh setting and a world-view that’s worlds away from the standard PI novel, with some definitely surreal touches, In one novel, he’s even killed off, only to return in the next one, Return To The Same City, with no apologies from Taibo, although he does offer an explanation of sorts." Thrilling Detective

Author, journalist, historian, and short story writer Paco Ignacio Taibo, II was born in Spain but lives in Mexico. He’s had several novels published; but is best known for his mystery series with Shayne. In fact, he’s one of the most popular Mexican authors writing around these days. He’s also one of the major forces behind the International Crime Writers Association "Semana Negra" held every summer in Gijon, Spain, a ten-day festival that brings together writers of the "novela negra" from around the world."