BERRY, David. Bibliography

BERRY, David (1957 - ....).History. Historians* bibliographieDUVAL, Clément (Paris, 11-3-1850 - Brooklyn, N.Y. 29-3-1935)

 Berry, D.G., ’’A. Compère-Morel (1872-1941)’’ , in The Biographical Dictionary of European Labor Leaders , Lane, A.T. (ed), Greenwood Press, Westport, CT , 1996, pp 214-215, ISBN 0 313 26456 2 .
 Berry, D.G., ’’A. Dunois (1878-1945)’’ , in The Biographical Dictionary of European Labor Leaders , Lane, A.T. (ed), Greenwood Press, Westport, CT , 1996, pp 282-283, ISBN 0 313 26456 2 .
 Berry, D.G., ’’A. Lagailse’’ , in The Biographical Dictionary of European Labor Leaders , Lane, A.T. (ed), Greenwood Press, Westport, CT , 1996, pp 532-533, ISBN 0 313 26456 2 .
 Berry, D.G., ’’A. Millerand (1859 -1943)’’ , in The Biographical Dictionary of European Labor Leaders , Lane, A.T. (ed), Greenwood Press, Westport, CT , 1996, p 654, ISBN 0 313 26456 2 .
 Berry, D.G., ’’A. Zévaès (1873-1953)’’ , in The Biographical Dictionary of European Labor Leaders , Lane, A.T. (ed), Greenwood Press, Westport CT , 1996, pp 1056-1057, ISBN 0 313 26456 2 .
 Berry, D.G., L’Anarchisme francais et la révolution espagnole, 1936-1939 , Alternative libertaire, Paris , 2001.
 Berry, D.G., "L’anarchisme français et la révolution espagnole, 1936-1939", in 1886...1936 et quelques autres anniversaires, Bulletin du Centre International de Recherche sur l’Anarchisme (Marseille) no.26/27 (1er semestre 1986), pp.85-91.
 Berry, D.G., ’’Anarchist Gangsters? (re historiography of the Bonnot gang)’’ , Anarchist Studies , 1(2) , 1993, pp 162-165, ISSN 0967-3393 .
 Berry, D.G., ’’The Anarchist Press in France Today’’ , Anarchist Studies , 1(1) , 1993, pp 39-45, ISSN 0967-3393 .
 Berry, D., ’’Charles Ridel et la revue Révision (1938-1939)’’, Présence de Louis Mercier , Berry, D., Bertolo, A., Boulouque,S., Casoar, P., Enckell, M. and Jacquier, C., Atelier de création libertaire, (Collection commune mémoire) , Lyon, 1999, pp 37-49, ISBN 2 905691 65 4 .
 Berry, D.G. and Diamond, H., ’’Conference report: Workers in France during the Second World War, IHTP/CRHMSS, Paris 22-24 October 1992’’ , Newsletter of the ASM & CF , 2(1) , 1994, pp 1-2 .
 Berry, D., Bertolo, A., Boulouque, S., Casoar, P., Enckell, M. and Jacquier, C. (eds), "Charles Ridel et la revue Revision (1938-39)" in Présence de Louis Mercier , Atelier de création libertaire, Lyon , 1999, pp 37-49, ISBN 2 905691 65 4 .
 Berry, D.G., ’’Chevènement, Rigout, Krivine, et al: Salade (re)composée, or New Left in the making?’’ , French Politics and Society , 11(3) , 1993, pp 12-33, ISSN 0882 1267 .
 Berry, D.G., "Daniel Guérin" in David Bell, Douglas Johnson & Peter Morris (eds.), A Biographical Dictionary of French Political Leaders since 1870. London: Harvester Press for the Association for the Study of Modern and Contemporary France, 1990.
 Berry, D.G., ’’Daniel Guerin’s relations with Trotsky and the early trotskyist movement, and his developing critique of classical marxism’’ , New Directions in Labour History , London Socialist Historians’ Group Seminar Series , London, 4th March 2002 .
 Berry, D.G., ’’Dossier: `A gauche de la gauche’ - Towards an alternative left?’’ , Modern & Contemporary France, NS2(1) , 1994, pp 123-130
 Berry, D.G., ’’E. Renaudin’’ , in The Biographical Dictionary of European Labor Leaders , Lane, A.T. (ed), Greenwood Press, Westport CT , 1996, p 799, ISBN 0 313 26456 2 .
 Berry, D.G.,"Emile Pouget" in David Bell, Douglas Johnson & Peter Morris (eds.), A Biographical Dictionary of French Political Leaders since 1870. London: Harvester Press for the Association for the Study of Modern and Contemporary France, 1990.
 Berry, D.G., ’’F. Pelloutier (1867-1901)’’ , in The Biographical Dictionary of European Labor Leaders , Lane, A.T. (ed), Greenwood Press, Westport, CT , 1996, pp 742-743, ISBN 0 313 26456 2 .
 Berry, D., ’’Face à la guerre civile d’Espagne’’ , Itinéraire , 13 , 1996, pp 52-60, ISSN 0986 6043 .
 Berry, D., ’’’Fascism or Revolution!’ Anarchism and Antifascism in France, 1933-39’’ , Contemporary European History , 8(1) , 1999, pp 51-71, ISSN 0960 7773 .
 Berry, D.G., ’’Fascism or Revolution!’ Anarchism and Antifascism in France, 1933-39’’.

 Berry, D.G., ’’Franco-German Relations’’ , Modern & Contemporary France , Special Issue , April 1992, pp 5-6 .
 Berry, D., ’’The French Anarchist Movement, 1939-1945: Resistence and Collaboration’’ , in Anarchisten gegen Hitler: Anarchisten, Anarcho-Syndikalisten, Raetekommunisten in Widerstand und Exil, Graf, A.G.(ed), Lukas Verlag, Berlin , 2001, pp 29-55, ISBN 3-931836-23-1 .

  • Berry, D.G., ’’French Anarchist Volunteers in Spain, 1936-1939: Contribution to a Collective Biography of the French Anarchist Movement’ [including appendices cut from paper version].’’, Research on Anarchism web-site, 2001.
     Berry, D.G., "French Anarchists in Spain, 1936-1939", in French History vol.3 no.4 (December 1989), pp.427-65
  • Berry, D.G.,"French Anarchist Volunteers in Spain, 1936-39 : Contribution to a Collective Biography of the French Anarchist Movement"
     Berry, D.G. and Cornick, M., ’’French Responses to German Unification’’ , Modern & Contemporary France , (49) , 1992, pp 42-55, ISSN 0267 761X
     Berry, D.G., ’’G. Deville (1854-1940)’’ , in The Biographical Dictionary of European Labor Leaders , Lane, A.T. (ed), Greenwood Press, Westport, CT , 1996, pp 260-261, ISBN 0 313 26456 2 .
     Berry, D.G., ’’G. Sorel (1847-1922)’’ , in The Biographical Dictionary of European Labor Leaders , Lane, A.T. (ed), Greenwood Press, Westport, CT , 1996, p 913, ISBN 0 313 26456 2 .
     Berry, D.G., ’’G. Yvetot (1868-1942)’’ , in The Biographical Dictionary of European Labor Leaders , Lane, A.T. (ed), Greenwood Press, Westport, CT , 1996, pp 1048-1049, ISBN 0 313 26456 2 .
     Berry, D.G., A History of the French Anarchist Movement, 1917-1945, Greenwood Press, Westview, CT , 2002, 325 pp, ISBN 0-313-32026-8 .
     Berry, D.G., ’’J. Barberet (1837-1920)’’ , in The Biographical Dictionary of European Labor Leaders , Lane, A.T. (ed), Greenwood Press, Westport, CT , 1996, p 53, ISBN 0 313 26456 2 .
     Berry, D.G., ’’J. Longuet (1876-1938)’’ , in The Biographical Dictionary of European Labor Leaders , Lane, A.T. (ed), Greenwood Press, Westport, CT , 1996, pp 583-584, ISBN 0 313 26456 2 .
     Berry, D.G., ’’J. Tortelier (1854-1925)’’ , in The Biographical Dictionary of European Labor Leaders , Lane, A.T. (ed), Greenwood Press, Westport CT , 1996, pp 974-975, ISBN 0 313 26456 2 .
     Berry, D.G., ’’J. Zirnheld (1876-1940)’’ , in The Biographical Dictionary of European Labor Leaders , Lane, A.T. (ed), Greenwood Press, Westport, CT , 1996, pp 1060-1061, ISBN 0 313 26456 2 .
     Berry, D.G.,"Jean Grave", in David Bell, Douglas Johnson & Peter Morris (eds.), A Biographical Dictionary of French Political Leaders since 1870. London: Harvester Press for the Association for the Study of Modern and Contemporary France, 1990.
     Berry, D.G.,"Louis Lecoin" in David Bell, Douglas Johnson & Peter Morris (eds.), A Biographical Dictionary of French Political Leaders since 1870. London: Harvester Press for the Association for the Study of Modern and Contemporary France, 1990.
     Berry, D.G., ’Luttes de classement, luttes de classe’, editorial introduction to thematic issue of Journal of European Area Studies vol.9, no.2 (November 2001), pp.159-62 (with Jeremy Leaman)
     Berry, D.G., ’’M. Sangnier (1873-1950)’’ , in The Biographical Dictionary of European Labor Leaders , Lane, A.T. (ed), Greenwood Press, Westport, CT , 1996, pp 841-842, ISBN 0 313 26456 2 .
     Berry, D.G., ’’Mills, Mines and Workers’’ , Modern & Contemporary France , NS2(1) , 1994, pp 55-58, ISSN 0963 9489
     Berry, D.G., ’’Le mouvement anarchiste francais (1939-1945). Résistance et collaboration’’ , Dissidences (Bulletin de liaison des etudes sur les mouvements revolutionnaires , 5(12-13) , October 2002, pp 41-51, ISSN 1292-5799 .
     Berry, D. G. "The other Popular Front: French anarchism and the Front révolutionnaire’, in Martin Alexander & Helen Graham (eds.), The French and Spanish Popular Fronts: Comparative Perspectives (Cambridge University Press, 1989), pp.131-44.

     Berry, D.G., ’’P. Besnard (1886-1947)’’ , in The Biographical Dictionary of European Labor Leaders , Lane, A.T. (ed), Greenwood Press, Westport, CT , 1996, pp 88-89, ISBN 0 313 26456 2 .
     Berry, D.G., ’’P. Delesalle (1870-1948)’’ , in The Biographical Dictionary of European Labor Leaders , Lane, A.T. (ed), Greenwood Press, Westport, CT , 1996, pp 254-255, ISBN 0 313 26456 2 .
     Berry, D.G., ’’P-J. Proudhon (1809-1865)’’ , in The Biographical Dictionary of European Labor Leaders , Lane, A.T. (ed), Greenwood Press, Westport, CT , 1996, pp 781-782, ISBN 0 313 26456 2 .
     Berry, D.G., ’’Paradigms Lost? Trade Unionism and Industrial Relations in Europe in the 1990s’’ , Journal of Area Studies , (5) , 1994, pp 8-16, ISSN 0261 3530 .
     Berry, D.G., Présence de Louis Mercier (Lyon: Atelier de création libertaire, Collection commune mémoire, 1999), pp 37-49.
     Berry, D.G., ’’R. Lenoir (1872-1963)’’ , in The Biographical Dictionary of European Labour Leaders , Lane, A.T. (ed), Greenwood Press, Westport CT , 1996, p 562, ISBN 0 313 26456 2 .
     Berry, D.G.,"Ravachol" in David Bell, Douglas Johnson & Peter Morris (eds.), A Biographical Dictionary of French Political Leaders since 1870. London: Harvester Press for the Association for the Study of Modern and Contemporary France, 1990.
     Berry, D.G., "’Revolution(s)’, editorial introduction" , Journal of Area Studies , (13) , 1998, pp 8-11, ISSN .
     Berry, D.G.,"Sébastien Faure",in David Bell, Douglas Johnson & Peter Morris (eds.), A Biographical Dictionary of French Political Leaders since 1870. London: Harvester Press for the Association for the Study of Modern and Contemporary France, 1990.
     Berry, D.G., "Solidarité internationale antifasciste: Les anarchistes français et la guerre civile d’Espagne" in Jean Sagnes and Sylvie Caucanas (eds.), Les Français et la Guerre d’Espagne (Perpignan: Centre de Recherche sur les Problèmes de la Frontière, Université de Perpignan, 1990), pp.73-88.
     Berry, D.G., "Visages d’ouvriers" (re Jean Maitron & Claude Pennetier (eds), Dictionnaire biographique du mouvement ouvrier français, 1789-1939, Editions ouvrières, 1964-1993), 43 vols’’, Modern & Contemporary France , NS1(3) , 1993, pp 327-329, ISSN 0963-9489 .
     Berry, D.G., ’Voline et la Fédération anarchiste française face à la guerre civile d’Espagne’, in Sylvain Boulouque (ed.), Itinéraire. Une Vie, Une Pensée: Voline (1995), pp.52-60.
     Berry, D.G. and Hargreaves, A.G. (eds), Women in Twentieth Century French History and Culture: Papers in Memory of Andrea Cady , European Research Centre, Loughborough , 1993, 82 pp, ISBN 1 873579 01 2 .
    Editorships - Journal
     Berry, D.G. (ed), Journal of Area Studies , Universities of Portsmouth and Loughborough , 1992, ISSN 0261-3530 .
     Berry, D.G., review of M. Rodriguez (ed.), Le 1er mai (Gallimard/Julliard, 1990)", in Modern and Contemporary France no.43 (October 1990), pp.90-91.
     Berry, D.G.,review of Jeremy Jennings, Syndicalism in France: A Study of Ideas (Macmillan in association with St. Antony’s College, 1990), in French Studies vol.45, no.2 (April 1991), pp.241-242.
     Berry, D.G., review of Maclean, M. and Howorth, J. (eds), ``Europeans on Europe. Transnational Visions of a New Continent (Macmillan, 1992) , Journal of Area Studies , 17(1) , 1993, pp 190-191 .
     Berry, D.G., review of Enckell, M. (ed), ``Moi, Clément Duval, bagnard anarchiste’’,(Les Editions Ouvrières, 1991) , Modern & Contemporary France , NS1(4) , 1993, pp 453-454 .
     Berry, D.G., review of Hollifield, J.F. and Ross, G. (eds), ``Searching for the New France’’, (Routledge, 1991) , Modern & Contemporary France , NS1(4) , 1993, pp 458-459 .
     Berry, D.G., review of Ragon, M.,``La voie libertaire’’(Plon,1991), Modern & Contemporary France , NS1(4) , 1993, pp 467-468 .
     Berry, D.G., review of Ladmiral, J-R. and Lipiansky, E.M., ``La Communication interculturelle’’, (Colin, 1989) , Modern & Contemporary France , NS12(2) , 1993, pp 217-218 .

 Berry, D.G., review of Aminzade, R., ``Ballots and Barricades: Class Formation and Republican Politics in France, 1830-1871 , Modern & Contemporary France , NS4(1) , 1996, p 106 .
 Berry, D.G., review of Verret, M. ``Chevilles ouvrières’’ , Modern & Contemporary France , NS4(1) , 1996, p 123 .
Berry, D.G., review of Vincent, K. ``Between Marxism and Anarchism: Benoit Malon and French Reformist Socialism’’ , Modern & Contemporary France , NS4(1) , 1996, pp 123-124 .
 Berry, D.G., review of Dictionnaire biographique du mouvement ouvrier français, Tome 44: Biographies nouvelles (1789-1939), Cordillot, M., Pennetier, M. and Risacher, C. (eds), (Edns Ouvrières) , Modern & Contemporary France , 7(1) , February 1998, pp 114-115 .
 Berry, D.G., review of France between the Wars. Gender and Politics, Reynolds, S. Routledge, 1996 , French Studies , III(2) , 1999, p 227 .
 Berry, D.G.,review of Gerd-Rainer Horn & Emmanuel Gerard (eds.), Left Catholicism, 1943-1955. Catholics and Society in Western Europe at the Point of Liberation (Leuven University Press, Belgium, 2001) in Labour History Review vol.67, no.2 (August 2002), pp.244-5.
 Berry, D.G., ’’Translation: Bernard Lepetit, For a Limited Interdisciplinarity’’ , Journal of Area Studies , 1(1) , September 1992, pp 9-16, ISSN 0261-3530 .
 Berry, D.G., ’’Translation of Lipiansky, E.M. "Reflections on the Notion of the Intercultural"’’ , Journal of Area Studies , (2) , 1993, pp 7-11 .
 Berry, D.G., ’’Translation: Samir Amin, The Empire of Chaos? Europe, the South and the ’New World Order’’ , Journal of Area Studies, (4) , 1994, pp 21-29 .
 Berry, D.G., ’’Translation: Alain Lattard, German Trade Unionism since the Crisis: Gradual Erosion’’ , Journal of Area Studies, (5) , 1994, pp 47-62 .