BERRY, David. Bibliography
BERRY, David (1957 - ....).History. Historians* bibliographieDUVAL, Clément (Paris, 11-3-1850 - Brooklyn, N.Y. 29-3-1935)– Berry, D.G., ’’A. Compère-Morel (1872-1941)’’ , in The Biographical Dictionary of European Labor Leaders , Lane, A.T. (ed), Greenwood Press, Westport, CT , 1996, pp 214-215, ISBN 0 313 26456 2 .
– Berry, D.G., ’’A. Dunois (1878-1945)’’ , in The Biographical Dictionary of European Labor Leaders , Lane, A.T. (ed), Greenwood Press, Westport, CT , 1996, pp 282-283, ISBN 0 313 26456 2 .
– Berry, D.G., ’’A. Lagailse’’ , in The Biographical Dictionary of European Labor Leaders , Lane, A.T. (ed), Greenwood Press, Westport, CT , 1996, pp 532-533, ISBN 0 313 26456 2 .
– Berry, D.G., ’’A. Millerand (1859 -1943)’’ , in The Biographical Dictionary of European Labor Leaders , Lane, A.T. (ed), Greenwood Press, Westport, CT , 1996, p 654, ISBN 0 313 26456 2 .
– Berry, D.G., ’’A. Zévaès (1873-1953)’’ , in The Biographical Dictionary of European Labor Leaders , Lane, A.T. (ed), Greenwood Press, Westport CT , 1996, pp 1056-1057, ISBN 0 313 26456 2 .
– Berry, D.G., L’Anarchisme francais et la révolution espagnole, 1936-1939 , Alternative libertaire, Paris , 2001.
– Berry, D.G., "L’anarchisme français et la révolution espagnole, 1936-1939", in 1886...1936 et quelques autres anniversaires, Bulletin du Centre International de Recherche sur l’Anarchisme (Marseille) no.26/27 (1er semestre 1986), pp.85-91.
– Berry, D.G., ’’Anarchist Gangsters? (re historiography of the Bonnot gang)’’ , Anarchist Studies , 1(2) , 1993, pp 162-165, ISSN 0967-3393 .
– Berry, D.G., ’’The Anarchist Press in France Today’’ , Anarchist Studies , 1(1) , 1993, pp 39-45, ISSN 0967-3393 .
– Berry, D., ’’Charles Ridel et la revue Révision (1938-1939)’’, Présence de Louis Mercier , Berry, D., Bertolo, A., Boulouque,S., Casoar, P., Enckell, M. and Jacquier, C., Atelier de création libertaire, (Collection commune mémoire) , Lyon, 1999, pp 37-49, ISBN 2 905691 65 4 .
– Berry, D.G. and Diamond, H., ’’Conference report: Workers in France during the Second World War, IHTP/CRHMSS, Paris 22-24 October 1992’’ , Newsletter of the ASM & CF , 2(1) , 1994, pp 1-2 .
– Berry, D., Bertolo, A., Boulouque, S., Casoar, P., Enckell, M. and Jacquier, C. (eds), "Charles Ridel et la revue Revision (1938-39)" in Présence de Louis Mercier , Atelier de création libertaire, Lyon , 1999, pp 37-49, ISBN 2 905691 65 4 .
– Berry, D.G., ’’Chevènement, Rigout, Krivine, et al: Salade (re)composée, or New Left in the making?’’ , French Politics and Society , 11(3) , 1993, pp 12-33, ISSN 0882 1267 .
– Berry, D.G., "Daniel Guérin" in David Bell, Douglas Johnson & Peter Morris (eds.), A Biographical Dictionary of French Political Leaders since 1870. London: Harvester Press for the Association for the Study of Modern and Contemporary France, 1990.
– Berry, D.G., ’’Daniel Guerin’s relations with Trotsky and the early trotskyist movement, and his developing critique of classical marxism’’ , New Directions in Labour History , London Socialist Historians’ Group Seminar Series , London, 4th March 2002 .
– Berry, D.G., ’’Dossier: `A gauche de la gauche’ - Towards an alternative left?’’ , Modern & Contemporary France, NS2(1) , 1994, pp 123-130
– Berry, D.G., ’’E. Renaudin’’ , in The Biographical Dictionary of European Labor Leaders , Lane, A.T. (ed), Greenwood Press, Westport CT , 1996, p 799, ISBN 0 313 26456 2 .
– Berry, D.G.,"Emile Pouget" in David Bell, Douglas Johnson & Peter Morris (eds.), A Biographical Dictionary of French Political Leaders since 1870. London: Harvester Press for the Association for the Study of Modern and Contemporary France, 1990.
– Berry, D.G., ’’F. Pelloutier (1867-1901)’’ , in The Biographical Dictionary of European Labor Leaders , Lane, A.T. (ed), Greenwood Press, Westport, CT , 1996, pp 742-743, ISBN 0 313 26456 2 .
– Berry, D., ’’Face à la guerre civile d’Espagne’’ , Itinéraire , 13 , 1996, pp 52-60, ISSN 0986 6043 .
– Berry, D., ’’’Fascism or Revolution!’ Anarchism and Antifascism in France, 1933-39’’ , Contemporary European History , 8(1) , 1999, pp 51-71, ISSN 0960 7773 .
– Berry, D.G., ’’Fascism or Revolution!’ Anarchism and Antifascism in France, 1933-39’’.
– Berry, D.G., ’’Franco-German Relations’’ , Modern & Contemporary France , Special Issue , April 1992, pp 5-6 .
– Berry, D., ’’The French Anarchist Movement, 1939-1945: Resistence and Collaboration’’ , in Anarchisten gegen Hitler: Anarchisten, Anarcho-Syndikalisten, Raetekommunisten in Widerstand und Exil, Graf, A.G.(ed), Lukas Verlag, Berlin , 2001, pp 29-55, ISBN 3-931836-23-1 .
- Berry, D.G., ’’French Anarchist Volunteers in Spain, 1936-1939: Contribution to a Collective Biography of the French Anarchist Movement’ [including appendices cut from paper version].’’, Research on Anarchism web-site, 2001.
– Berry, D.G., "French Anarchists in Spain, 1936-1939", in French History vol.3 no.4 (December 1989), pp.427-65 - Berry, D.G.,"French Anarchist Volunteers in Spain, 1936-39 : Contribution to a Collective Biography of the French Anarchist Movement"
– Berry, D.G. and Cornick, M., ’’French Responses to German Unification’’ , Modern & Contemporary France , (49) , 1992, pp 42-55, ISSN 0267 761X
– Berry, D.G., ’’G. Deville (1854-1940)’’ , in The Biographical Dictionary of European Labor Leaders , Lane, A.T. (ed), Greenwood Press, Westport, CT , 1996, pp 260-261, ISBN 0 313 26456 2 .
– Berry, D.G., ’’G. Sorel (1847-1922)’’ , in The Biographical Dictionary of European Labor Leaders , Lane, A.T. (ed), Greenwood Press, Westport, CT , 1996, p 913, ISBN 0 313 26456 2 .
– Berry, D.G., ’’G. Yvetot (1868-1942)’’ , in The Biographical Dictionary of European Labor Leaders , Lane, A.T. (ed), Greenwood Press, Westport, CT , 1996, pp 1048-1049, ISBN 0 313 26456 2 .
– Berry, D.G., A History of the French Anarchist Movement, 1917-1945, Greenwood Press, Westview, CT , 2002, 325 pp, ISBN 0-313-32026-8 .
– Berry, D.G., ’’J. Barberet (1837-1920)’’ , in The Biographical Dictionary of European Labor Leaders , Lane, A.T. (ed), Greenwood Press, Westport, CT , 1996, p 53, ISBN 0 313 26456 2 .
– Berry, D.G., ’’J. Longuet (1876-1938)’’ , in The Biographical Dictionary of European Labor Leaders , Lane, A.T. (ed), Greenwood Press, Westport, CT , 1996, pp 583-584, ISBN 0 313 26456 2 .
– Berry, D.G., ’’J. Tortelier (1854-1925)’’ , in The Biographical Dictionary of European Labor Leaders , Lane, A.T. (ed), Greenwood Press, Westport CT , 1996, pp 974-975, ISBN 0 313 26456 2 .
– Berry, D.G., ’’J. Zirnheld (1876-1940)’’ , in The Biographical Dictionary of European Labor Leaders , Lane, A.T. (ed), Greenwood Press, Westport, CT , 1996, pp 1060-1061, ISBN 0 313 26456 2 .
– Berry, D.G.,"Jean Grave", in David Bell, Douglas Johnson & Peter Morris (eds.), A Biographical Dictionary of French Political Leaders since 1870. London: Harvester Press for the Association for the Study of Modern and Contemporary France, 1990.
– Berry, D.G.,"Louis Lecoin" in David Bell, Douglas Johnson & Peter Morris (eds.), A Biographical Dictionary of French Political Leaders since 1870. London: Harvester Press for the Association for the Study of Modern and Contemporary France, 1990.
– Berry, D.G., ’Luttes de classement, luttes de classe’, editorial introduction to thematic issue of Journal of European Area Studies vol.9, no.2 (November 2001), pp.159-62 (with Jeremy Leaman)
– Berry, D.G., ’’M. Sangnier (1873-1950)’’ , in The Biographical Dictionary of European Labor Leaders , Lane, A.T. (ed), Greenwood Press, Westport, CT , 1996, pp 841-842, ISBN 0 313 26456 2 .
– Berry, D.G., ’’Mills, Mines and Workers’’ , Modern & Contemporary France , NS2(1) , 1994, pp 55-58, ISSN 0963 9489
– Berry, D.G., ’’Le mouvement anarchiste francais (1939-1945). Résistance et collaboration’’ , Dissidences (Bulletin de liaison des etudes sur les mouvements revolutionnaires , 5(12-13) , October 2002, pp 41-51, ISSN 1292-5799 .
– Berry, D. G. "The other Popular Front: French anarchism and the Front révolutionnaire’, in Martin Alexander & Helen Graham (eds.), The French and Spanish Popular Fronts: Comparative Perspectives (Cambridge University Press, 1989), pp.131-44.
– Berry, D.G., ’’P. Besnard (1886-1947)’’ , in The Biographical Dictionary of European Labor Leaders , Lane, A.T. (ed), Greenwood Press, Westport, CT , 1996, pp 88-89, ISBN 0 313 26456 2 .
– Berry, D.G., ’’P. Delesalle (1870-1948)’’ , in The Biographical Dictionary of European Labor Leaders , Lane, A.T. (ed), Greenwood Press, Westport, CT , 1996, pp 254-255, ISBN 0 313 26456 2 .
– Berry, D.G., ’’P-J. Proudhon (1809-1865)’’ , in The Biographical Dictionary of European Labor Leaders , Lane, A.T. (ed), Greenwood Press, Westport, CT , 1996, pp 781-782, ISBN 0 313 26456 2 .
– Berry, D.G., ’’Paradigms Lost? Trade Unionism and Industrial Relations in Europe in the 1990s’’ , Journal of Area Studies , (5) , 1994, pp 8-16, ISSN 0261 3530 .
– Berry, D.G., Présence de Louis Mercier (Lyon: Atelier de création libertaire, Collection commune mémoire, 1999), pp 37-49.
– Berry, D.G., ’’R. Lenoir (1872-1963)’’ , in The Biographical Dictionary of European Labour Leaders , Lane, A.T. (ed), Greenwood Press, Westport CT , 1996, p 562, ISBN 0 313 26456 2 .
– Berry, D.G.,"Ravachol" in David Bell, Douglas Johnson & Peter Morris (eds.), A Biographical Dictionary of French Political Leaders since 1870. London: Harvester Press for the Association for the Study of Modern and Contemporary France, 1990.
– Berry, D.G., "’Revolution(s)’, editorial introduction" , Journal of Area Studies , (13) , 1998, pp 8-11, ISSN .
– Berry, D.G.,"Sébastien Faure",in David Bell, Douglas Johnson & Peter Morris (eds.), A Biographical Dictionary of French Political Leaders since 1870. London: Harvester Press for the Association for the Study of Modern and Contemporary France, 1990.
– Berry, D.G., "Solidarité internationale antifasciste: Les anarchistes français et la guerre civile d’Espagne" in Jean Sagnes and Sylvie Caucanas (eds.), Les Français et la Guerre d’Espagne (Perpignan: Centre de Recherche sur les Problèmes de la Frontière, Université de Perpignan, 1990), pp.73-88.
– Berry, D.G., "Visages d’ouvriers" (re Jean Maitron & Claude Pennetier (eds), Dictionnaire biographique du mouvement ouvrier français, 1789-1939, Editions ouvrières, 1964-1993), 43 vols’’, Modern & Contemporary France , NS1(3) , 1993, pp 327-329, ISSN 0963-9489 .
– Berry, D.G., ’Voline et la Fédération anarchiste française face à la guerre civile d’Espagne’, in Sylvain Boulouque (ed.), Itinéraire. Une Vie, Une Pensée: Voline (1995), pp.52-60.
– Berry, D.G. and Hargreaves, A.G. (eds), Women in Twentieth Century French History and Culture: Papers in Memory of Andrea Cady , European Research Centre, Loughborough , 1993, 82 pp, ISBN 1 873579 01 2 .
Editorships - Journal
– Berry, D.G. (ed), Journal of Area Studies , Universities of Portsmouth and Loughborough , 1992, ISSN 0261-3530 .
– Berry, D.G., review of M. Rodriguez (ed.), Le 1er mai (Gallimard/Julliard, 1990)", in Modern and Contemporary France no.43 (October 1990), pp.90-91.
– Berry, D.G.,review of Jeremy Jennings, Syndicalism in France: A Study of Ideas (Macmillan in association with St. Antony’s College, 1990), in French Studies vol.45, no.2 (April 1991), pp.241-242.
– Berry, D.G., review of Maclean, M. and Howorth, J. (eds), ``Europeans on Europe. Transnational Visions of a New Continent (Macmillan, 1992) , Journal of Area Studies , 17(1) , 1993, pp 190-191 .
– Berry, D.G., review of Enckell, M. (ed), ``Moi, Clément Duval, bagnard anarchiste’’,(Les Editions Ouvrières, 1991) , Modern & Contemporary France , NS1(4) , 1993, pp 453-454 .
– Berry, D.G., review of Hollifield, J.F. and Ross, G. (eds), ``Searching for the New France’’, (Routledge, 1991) , Modern & Contemporary France , NS1(4) , 1993, pp 458-459 .
– Berry, D.G., review of Ragon, M.,``La voie libertaire’’(Plon,1991), Modern & Contemporary France , NS1(4) , 1993, pp 467-468 .
– Berry, D.G., review of Ladmiral, J-R. and Lipiansky, E.M., ``La Communication interculturelle’’, (Colin, 1989) , Modern & Contemporary France , NS12(2) , 1993, pp 217-218 .
– Berry, D.G., review of Aminzade, R., ``Ballots and Barricades: Class Formation and Republican Politics in France, 1830-1871 , Modern & Contemporary France , NS4(1) , 1996, p 106 .
– Berry, D.G., review of Verret, M. ``Chevilles ouvrières’’ , Modern & Contemporary France , NS4(1) , 1996, p 123 .
Berry, D.G., review of Vincent, K. ``Between Marxism and Anarchism: Benoit Malon and French Reformist Socialism’’ , Modern & Contemporary France , NS4(1) , 1996, pp 123-124 .
– Berry, D.G., review of Dictionnaire biographique du mouvement ouvrier français, Tome 44: Biographies nouvelles (1789-1939), Cordillot, M., Pennetier, M. and Risacher, C. (eds), (Edns Ouvrières) , Modern & Contemporary France , 7(1) , February 1998, pp 114-115 .
– Berry, D.G., review of France between the Wars. Gender and Politics, Reynolds, S. Routledge, 1996 , French Studies , III(2) , 1999, p 227 .
– Berry, D.G.,review of Gerd-Rainer Horn & Emmanuel Gerard (eds.), Left Catholicism, 1943-1955. Catholics and Society in Western Europe at the Point of Liberation (Leuven University Press, Belgium, 2001) in Labour History Review vol.67, no.2 (August 2002), pp.244-5.
– Berry, D.G., ’’Translation: Bernard Lepetit, For a Limited Interdisciplinarity’’ , Journal of Area Studies , 1(1) , September 1992, pp 9-16, ISSN 0261-3530 .
– Berry, D.G., ’’Translation of Lipiansky, E.M. "Reflections on the Notion of the Intercultural"’’ , Journal of Area Studies , (2) , 1993, pp 7-11 .
– Berry, D.G., ’’Translation: Samir Amin, The Empire of Chaos? Europe, the South and the ’New World Order’’ , Journal of Area Studies, (4) , 1994, pp 21-29 .
– Berry, D.G., ’’Translation: Alain Lattard, German Trade Unionism since the Crisis: Gradual Erosion’’ , Journal of Area Studies, (5) , 1994, pp 47-62 .