Bevington, L. S. "For Freedom’s Sake"

in Poems, Lyrics and Sonnets. London: Elliot Stock, 1882

free love / Union libreliterature: poetryBEVINGTON, Louise Sarah (1845 - 1895)
For freedom’s sake, farewell. I would not fret you
With a dim sense of bonds about your heart;Be freed of all my loving; let us part;Let nothing chain your conscience, nor beset you.
A little while, may be, I must regret you;A little while — a little tender while
Perchance the tears will well up when I smile
In whispering your name, ere I forget you.
But we have chosen freedom; so I make
Here, — as we part for weeks, for years, for life, —
- My promise: I will whet my will’s keen knife
And one by one all memory’s fetters break.
Ah! go. Forget, forgive love’s lingering strife!
One kiss? - our last. Goodbye, - "for freedom’s sake."