MAKSIMOV, Grigori_ Petrovich, 1893-1950, ed. The political philosophy of Bakunin : scientific anarchism, compiled and edited by G.P. Maximoff.

BAKUNIN, Mihail Aleksandrovič (1814-1876)NETTLAU, Max (1865-1944). Linguiste autrichien et premier historien de l’anarchismeROCKER, Rudolf (1873-1958)MAKSIMOV, Grigori Petrovich (1893-1950)* bibliographieHOSELITZ, Bert F.

Pref. by Bert F. Hoselitz ; introd. by Rudolf Rocker ; biographical sketch of Bakunin , by Max Nettlau.} Glencoe, Ill., Free Press 1953. 434 p. 25 cm.
