Quiet Rumours: An Anarcha-Feminist Reader

feminismGOLDMAN, Emma (1869-1940)FREEMAN, JoBolivia

AK Press/Dark Star Paperback. ISBN: 1902593405

Editor’s comments:

This long-awaited and important anthology draws together essays, interviews and pamphlets exploring the relationship between anarchism and feminism. The pieces included range from classics by Emma Goldman such as "The Tragedy of Women’s Emancipation" to Jo Freeman’s highly influential essay on the politics of organizing groups "The Tyranny of Structurelessness". Throughout the collection the theme of developing an effective feminist, anarchist revolutionary movement is explored from various historical and contemporary perspectives: women and the Left; the Spanish Revolution; the crucial importance of dismantling not just patriarchy but hierarchy itself; the issue of women being trivialized, dismissed, or co-opted; class; capitalism; the post-feminist backlash; and manifestos for the future. Also included are interviews with Rota Zora (Revolutionary Cells), a militant feminist guerrilla group which was involved in violent direct action against patriarchal institutions in Germany throughout the seventies and eighties. The last section consists of inspiring material from Mujeres Creando (Women Creating), anarcha-feminist street activists in Bolivia whose graffiti, propaganda, and creative, confrontational actions are directly challenging traditional gender roles as well as current neoliberal trends. Essential reading.