2007 May 3-28 Montreal. Festival of Anarchy & Art + Anarchy Montreal 2007 Exhibit of Socially Engaged VIsual Art calendar

Montreal (Quebec, Canada)

All Art Exhibit events at the Gallery, 6750 Esplanade

May 2007
3 - Gallery opens, 6pm - 10pm, L’ART + L’ANARCHIE MONTREAL 2007 EXPOSITION
D’ART VISUEL, 6750 rue Esplanade
4 - Gallery open, 6pm -10pm , Vernissage & presentation: Josh MacPhee, curator of ’Paper Politics’

5 - Gallery open from 12pm -5pm, artists roundtable discussion

6 - Gallery open, 12pm - 5pm, presentation: Environmental Art / Art & Environmentalism,
 Festival of Anarchy ’Night of Anarchist Poetry,’ Le Divan Orange, 8pm
10 - Gallery open, 6pm- 10pm, Lancement du livre de Benoit Tremblay
11 - Gallery open, 6pm - 10pm, Films about Art and Anarchy
12 - Gallery open, 12pm - 5pm, conference: Situationism
13 - Gallery open, 12pm - 6pm, closing conference with special guest artist
15 - Abel Paz - TBA
16 / 17 - Institute of Anarchist Studies event - TBA
18 - Party Benefice for the Salon du livre - TBA
19 - Salon du livre anarchist
 DIRA party - TBA
20 - atliers salon du livre anarchiste
28 + 29 - Montréal Anarchist Theatre Festival 2007, 7:30pm - 10pm, La Salla Rossa