BOZÖKI, András and SÜKÖSD, Miklós. Anarchism in Hungary: Theory, History, Legacies.

Hungary* bibliographie

(English) Translation of Az anarchizmus elmélete és magyarországi története by Alan Renwick. Eastern European Monographs; 670. (December 2005). Boulder, Colo. : Social Science Monographs ; New York : Distributed by Columbia University Press, 2005. ix, 364 p. : ill. ; tables; bibl. p. 305-345; index. 23 cm. 300 pages. ISBN-10: 0880335688 (Hardcover).
CHSP Hungarian Studies Series, 7. Wayne, NJ: Center for Hungarian Studies and Publications.

Previous Hungarian Editions, including an anthology, may be found at the CIRA, Lausanne.