CREAGH, Ronald. Bibliography of works published in English
CREAGH, Ronald (1929 - ....)* bibliographieISCA, Valerio (Calatafimi, Sicilia 22/06/1900 - New York, 13/06/1996)Bibliography
– "The Dawn of a Possible Civilisation," in LAVERGO, Elisa, In every place, 2013 : éd. Ahead, Genève. Monographie, N°8, Pascal Beausse et Ronald Creagh, p. 15-24.
– "Interview on Anarchist Social Theory", by Sayed Javad, Islamic Perspective Journal (2011) No.5, 13-24.
– "Anarchism in the United States to 1945", in International Encyclopedia of Revolution and Protest, ed. Immanuel Ness, Blackwell Publishing, 2009, pp. 155–158.
– "American Utopias. The New Libertarian Intellectuals" Palais (Fall 2009) #10, p. 26-32.
– "The Invention of Terrorism and the Age of Fear", in Larry Portis ed. with the collaboration of Joseph Zitomersky, Terror and its Representations. Studies in Social History and Cultural Expression in the United States and Beyond, Monpellier: Presses Universitaires de la Méditerranée, 2008, pp. 293-308.
– [Review] « GREEN, James, Death in the Haymarket. A Story of Chicago, the First Labor Movement and the Bombing that Divided Gilded Age America, New York, Pantheon Books, 2006, 383 p. » Vingtième siècle. (oct-déc. 2007) p. 287.
– "Anarchism Is Back. We May Now Re(dis)cover Utopia” Spaces of Utopia: An Electronic Journal, no. 6, Autumn/Winter 2007, pp. 61-83. SSN 1646-4729.
– [Review] "Michel de Pure, Epigone, histoire du siècle futur (1659). Edition établie par Lise Leibacher-Ouvrard et Daniel Maher. Laval: Les Presses de l’Université de Laval, 2005", Utopian Studies vol. 18 (2007) 2:289-290.
– "The trial of Le Monde libertaire", Anarchist Studies vol.14 (2006) #1. (Translation of art. "Laïcité en France : Un combat solitaire ?" in Divergences (Aug. 23, 2006).
– "Valerio Was Patient With Me" in Valerio. An Extraordinary Ordinary Man. The Dandelion,, Michael Coughlin ed., vol. 6 (Oct. 2005) n° 23.
– L’Imagination dérobée. Lyon : Atelier de Création libertaire, 2004. 212 pages ISBN : 2-921561-90-5
Imagination is the oasis of the craziest and most intimate dreams. Our secret island. It is also the hunting ground of any leader, the treasure coveted by every human who manipulates others. It is in the heart of our dreams that power remote-controls choices, that the media sets the scope of what is ready to be dreamed. The times in which one lives are not lived through personal experience; they are interpreted and decided within the framework of a given social system. For a long time, imagination has been concealed by power. It is power’s inheritance. The reader discovers here the matrix of all colonizations, that of imagination. This clandestine imperialism encourages any alternative project to reproduce the dominant discourse. This book deciphers some enigmas of everyday life, in particular the traps of space and the influence of time. It then interrogates the great references which are used to discipline the people, in particular the idea of transcendence and the utopian dream. Finally, it wonders what would become humanity if, breaking this sequence, it seized the fires of imagination. Are other futures possible? The reading of this work can start anywhere; one can devour it in its entirety or contemplate it in small amounts, between two protests, two bus stations, or two naps, according to one’s provisions and tastes. A liberating laugh accompanies these essays on time and the city. They invite us all to reject a fictitious inheritance and to discover our own space, the lost continent of personal dreams and the lived collective dream. * According to my dictionary, "dérobée" seems to mean "hidden" or "secret," but it may also have associated meanings of "stolen" and "saved" — an ambiguity which also seems relevant to the book.
— Jesse Cohn.
– Ronald CREAGH and Sharif GEMIE, The Shadows under the Lamp. Essays on September 11 and Afghanistan. London: Freedom Press, 2003. 101 p.
– "Misères de l’économie, économie de la misère", Réfractions ,Automne-Hiver 2002, pp. 7-16
Anarchist thought on economy is compared with economics. The latter has failed if one considers its aims. Indeed, making the "economy of poverty" can be understood in two ways: "suppressing poverty" or "observing the economy of poor countries". Economics is incapable of doing either. By comparison, libertarian ideas don’t form a doctrine. Anarchist theorists and activists obviously challenge such major concepts of economics as property rights and the profit motive; however, their approach to society and social organization has a different and distinct basis. Rather than translating everything into economic terms, they instead devote their attention to the entire set of social relations.
– [Review] "Jonathan Beecher, Victor Considerant and the Rise and Fall of French Romantic Socialism"(Berkeley : University of California Press, 2001) [Rev.] Left History 8 (Spring 2002) 1 : 150-154
– " Marx moves over to make room for new lot of rebels", Times Higher Education, London. October 12, 2001
– "Red Years, Black Years. Italian anarchists’ war against fascism", in Andreas G. Graf (Hg), Anarchisten gegen Hitler. Anarchisten, Anarcho-Syndikalisten, Rätekommunisten inWiderstand un Exil , Berlin: Lukas Verlag, 2001, p. 91-113.
– [Review] Carl Levi, "Gramsci and the Anarchists" Social Anarchism , No. 29 (2000-2001) pp. 81-83.
– [Review] "SMITH, William L., Families and Communes. An Examination of Nontraditional Lifestyles, Utopian Studies vol. 11 (2000) 2: 302-03.
– [Review] "Pamela Pilbeam, French Socialists Before Marx Workers, Women and the Social Question in France"(Montreal & Kingstonl : McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2000)
– "TACUSSEL, Patrick, Charles Fourier: Le jeu des passions. Actualité d’une pensée utopique Utopian Studies, vol.11 (2000) 2: 303-04.
– [Review] "SCOTT, JAMES C. Seeing Like a State. How Certain Schemes to Improve the Human Condition Have Failed. [The Yale ISPS Series.] Yale University Press, New Haven [etc.] 1998. xiv, 445 pp." International Review of Social History / Volume 44 / Issue 02 (August 1999), pp 301-324.
– [Review] "METCALF, Bill. The Gayndah Communes," Utopian Studies 10 (1999)1:288-289.
– [Review] "BUTCHER, A. Allen, Time-Based Economics. A Community Building Dynamic ", Utopian Studies , (1998) vol. 9.2 pp. 241-242.
– [Review] "Nineteenth Century American Utopias," Anarchist Studies 6:1 (March 1998)
– [Review] "CLARK, Christopher, The Communitarian Moment: The Radical Challenge of the Northampton Association (Battan)" Utopian Studies 8.2 (1997): 126-28.
– [Review] "LeWARNE, Charles Pierce, Utopias on Puget Sound, 1885-1915" [Rev.]
– [Review] "DANIELS, Ted, Millennialism: An International Bibliography"Utopian Studies (1994) vol.5 1 : 170-71.
– [Review] "GUARNERI, Carl J. i: The Utopian Alternative. Fourierism in Nineteenth-Century America," L’Esprit créateur (Winter 1994) 24 No. 4.
– "The Revolution that Failed : The Cult of Reason in Young America", in L’Amérique et la France. Deux Révolutions, textes réunis par Elise Marienstras, Paris: Publications de la Sorbonne, 1990, pp. 145-154.
– "Redefining Utopia. A Postmodernist Reconsideration of Libertarian Communes in the United States", in : Utopia e Modernità, Teorie e prassi utopiche nell’età moderna e postmoderna, a cura di Giuseppa Saccaro del Buffa, Arthur O. Lewis, Roma: Gangemi editore, 1989
– "Socialism in America : The French Speaking Coal Miners", A l’ombre de la statue de la Liberté. Immigrants et ouvriers dans la République américaine 1980-1920 , Paris: Presses Universitaires de Vincennes, 1988
– "L. Spooner, Fascination with Law", in Law in Anarchism , ed. Thom Holterman and Henc van Maarseveen, Erasmus University, Rotterdam, 1980
– "The Age of Reform. A Reappraisal," Revue française d’études américaines, Paris (avr. 1978)