CLARK, John P. "What Can We Do to Support Egypt"

CLARK, John P. (New Orleans, USA. 21/6/1945-....)Égypte

We have all been moved by the courageous actions of the Egyptian people in recent weeks. In response to their inspiring example, we might ask the following question : What effective steps can we take to support their struggle for liberation, and to support similar struggles throughout the world ?

There is a very easy, and very bad, response to this question. Unfortunately, it is also the one that is most popular. This response is to express our great sympathy and admiration for their struggle, and then to go on acting as we have in the past. I propose that a more constructive response would be, first, to become better educated about what has made their struggle necessary, and, next, to begin to act in ways that that will make it, and similar struggles, more likely to succeed in the future.