December 6 to 10, 2011 Săo Paolo, Brazil.- International Conference “Élisée Reclus and Geography of the New World”

Welcome !

The International Conference “Élisée Reclus and the Geography of the New World” is organized by the Political Geography Laboratory of Geography Department of University of São Paulo, Brazil, to be held in this city, December 6 to 10, 2011.


Papers to be sent before:
June 15, 2011
The complete communication to be sent before:
Aug. 15, 2011
Date of the Conference:
December 6 - 10, 2011

Organizing Committee:

President: Prof. Dr. Hervé Théry (DG/FFLCH/USP)
Adriano Gonçalves Skoda (DG/USP)
Clenes Louzeiro (DG/USP)
David Ramírez Palacios (DG/USP)
Manoel Fernandes de Sousa Neto (DG/USP)
Marcelo Miyahiro (DG/USP)
Márcia Daiane M. Dos Santos (DG/USP)
Paulo Roberto de Albuquerque Bomfim (IFSP)
Robledo Mendes da Silva (NEB-NEPHEB/UNIRIO)
Rodrigo Rosa da Silva (FE/USP)

Scientific Committee:

President: Prof. Dr. Hervé Théry (DG/FFLCH/USP)
Prof. Dr. Antônio Carlos Robert Moraes (DG/FFLCH/USP)
Profª. Drª. Béatrice Giblin (Université Paris 8)
Profª. Drª. Doris Accioly e Silva (EDA/FE/USP)
Dr. Federico Ferretti (Universidades de Bolonha, Itália, e París 1, França)
Prof. Dr. Francisco Cabral Alambert Junior (DH/FFLCH/USP)
Prof. Dr. Heinz Dieter Heidemann (DG/FFLCH/USP)
Prof. Dr. John Clark (Universidade Loyola, EUA)
Prof. Dr. Kent Mathewson (Universidade Estatal de Luisiana, EUA)
Profª. Drª. Larissa Mies Bombardi (DG/FFLCH/USP)
Profª. Drª. Lucia Emília Nueno Barreto Bruno (EDA/FE/USP)
Prof. Dr. Manoel Fernandes de Sousa Neto (DG/FFLCH/USP)
Profª. Drª. Marie-France Prévôt-Schapira (Universidade de París 8, França)
Prof. Dr. Paulo Roberto de Albuquerque Bomfim (IFSP)
Prof. Dr. Philippe Pelletier (Université Lyon 2)
Profª. Drª. Teresa Vicente Mosquete (Universidade de Salamanca, Espanha)