Les immigrants russes à Londres (1853-1917)

Cercle d’anarchistes-communistes russes, dans lequel Kropotkine participe.
Janvier 1906 : manifestations de protestation du groupe Solidarity à Londres, Liverpool et Glasgow contre la répression ouvrière par le tsar de Russie [1] .
The growth of the Russian anarchist movement after 1905 is reflected in the publications of an international group of Kropotkinite anarchists, the Khleb i volia group, from 1906 to 1917. These include periodicals nos 7, 8, and 44, pamphlets nos 211 and 212 and also (see under ’C. Series’) the Izdaniia Listkov ’Khleb i volia’. The predecessor of the Khleb i volia group, the group of Russian anarchist-Communists in which Kropotkin participated, is also represented here with no. 126. Finally, the Great War found a number of anti-war Social-Democrats in London grouped around and headed by G. V. Chicherin. They were active from autumn 1914 up to late 1917 (cf. Za pravo ubezhishcha ! Otchet o deiatel’nosti komissii delegatov rossiiskikh sotsialisticheskikh grupp v Londone. L. 1916, 7 pp. Kenneth E. Carpenter (comp.), Russian Revolutionary Literature Collection, Houghton Library, Harvard University, New Haven, 1976., p. 751 .) .
Vol’naia obshchina. L. 19I3. 1 no. Published by the Federation of Anarchist-Communists. Tatiana Ossorguine-Bakounine, L’Emigration russe en Europe, Paris, 1976. 45 : Social History Source Collection no. 2. Russian Emigré Journals 1855-1917, Leiden, no date. Inter Documentation Company..
Pierre Kropotkin est rédacteur de
 Khleb i volia. L. 1903. 24 nos. Ed. P. A. Kropotkin. Kenneth E. Carpenter (comp.), Russian Revolutionary Literature Collection, Houghton Library, Harvard University, New Haven, 1976. p. 963.
 Listki ’Khleb i volia’ : organ kommunistov-anarkhistov. L. 1906-1907. 18 nos. Ed. P. A. Kropotkin. Kenneth E. Carpenter (comp.), Russian Revolutionary Literature Collection, Houghton Library, Harvard University, New Haven, 1976. 975
Auteur :
 Kropotkin, P. A., Anarkhiia, ee filosofiia, ee ideal. L.1912, 67 pp. British Library Catalogue. Series : Izd. L. ’K. i V. ’no. 6 (1e édition Genève 1900). 209.
 Kropotkin, P. A., Khleb i volia (trad. de La Conquête du pain). L. 1902, xvi + 295 pp. FVC. ’Izdanie gruppy russkikh kommunistov- anarkhistov’. 210.
 Kropotkin, P. A, Nravstvennye nachala anarkhizma (trad. de La morale anarchiste). L. 1907, 66 pp. British Library Catalogue Series Izd.L. "K. i V." no. 5.
 P. A. Kropotkin, Parizhskaia kommuna. L. 1907, 32 pp. British Library Catalogue. Series Izd. L. "K.iV." no.2.212. P.
 Kropotkin, P. A (ed.), Russkaia revoliutsiia i anarkhizm. Doklady, chitannye na s"ezde kommunistov-anarkhistov v oktiabre I906 goda. L. 1907, 88 pp. Tipografiia Listkov ’Khleb i volia’. British Library Catalogue. Series : 213.
 Kropotkin, P. A, Sovremennaia nauka i anarkhizm. L. 1901, 64 pp. VRP 636. Another edn, L. 1902, published by ’Khleb i volia’. DUL. Published by FVRP for Gruppa russkikh anarkhistov- kommunistov. 214.
 Kropotkin, P. A, Velikaia frantsuzskaia revoliutsiia 1789-1793. L. 1914, vii + 707 pp. British Library Catalogue. 215.
 Kropotkin, P. A, Zapiski revoliutsionera (trs. of Memoirs of a Revolutionist). L. 1902, xx + 477 pp. V. M. Anderson (ed.), Vol’naia russkaia pechat’ v Rossiiskoi Publichnoi Biblioteke, St Petersburg [sic], 1920. 626. Series FVRP Istoricheskaia biblioteka no. i (no more published).
 K. Orgeiani, Kak i iz chego razvilsia revoliutsionnyi sindikalizm. L. 1909 (foreword by P. A. Kropotkin). E. V. Starostin, P. A. Kropotkin (I842-1921). Bibliograficheskii ukazatel’, Moscow, 1980., p. 108.

[1Les mouvements révolutionnaires russes de 1882 à 1910 d’après les fonds F7 des Archives Nationales M. Lesure, Carton 12519-12520