Klausen, Jimmy Casas & Jamez Martel, eds., How Not to Be Governed: Readings and Interpretations from a Critical Anarchist Left

NIETZSCHE, Friedrich Wilhelm (1844-1900)CubaGOLDMAN, Emma (1869-1940)STIRNER, Max (Bayreuth, 1806/10/25 - Berlin, 1806/06/25). Pseud. de Johann Caspar SCHMIDTpolitics* bibliographieFOUCAULT, MichelKANT, Emmanuel (1724-1804)ARENDT, Hannah (1906-1975)Philosophy. EpistemologyRANCIÈRE, Jacques

Lexington Books, 2011. 244 p. Bibl. ; Index. ISBN-10: 0739150359; ISBN-13: 978-0739150351

Publisher’s Presentation

How Not to Be Governed explores the contemporary debates and questions concerning anarchism in our own time. The authors address the political failures of earlier practices of anarchism, and the claim that anarchism is impracticable, by examining the anarchisms that have been theorized and practiced in the midst of these supposed failures. The authors revive the possibility of anarchism even as they examine it with a critical lens. Rather than breaking with prior anarchist practices, this volume reveals the central values and tactics of anarchism that remain with us, practiced even in the most unlikely and "impossible" contexts.


Introduction: James Martel and Jimmy Casas Klausen
1. Anarchist Methods and Political Theory. Jacqueline Stevens
2. An Anarchism That is Not Anarchism: Notes toward a Critique of Anarchist Imperialism. George Ciccariello-Maher.
3. Beside the State : Anarchist Strains in Cuban Revolutionary Thought. Katherine Gordy
4. Kant via Rancière : From Ethics to Anarchism. Todd May
5. Nietzsche, Aristocratism, and Non-Domination. Vanessa Lemm
6. Max Stirner, Postanarchy avant la lettre. Banu Bargu
7. The Late Foucault’s Premodernity. Jimmy Casas Klausen
8. The Ambivalent Anarchism of Hannah Arendt. James Martel
9. Emma Goldman and the Power of Revolutionary Love. Keally McBride
10. "This Is What Democracy Looks Like". Elena Loizidou