Arena No. 1 – On Anarchist Cinema

FERRUA, Pietro Michele Stefano (1930-....)Anarchist press: 21st CenturyJARRY, Éric* bibliographieart: cinemaPORTON, Richard

Edited by Richard Porton. Contributions by: Russell Campbell, Pietro Ferrua, Dan Georgakas, Andrew Hedden, Eric Jarry and more. Published by PM Press/Christie Books, March 2009. 180 pages. ISBN: 978-1-60486-050-4. (Paperback)

Publisher’s presentation
In the wake of the end of the Cold War and worldwide protests against corporate globalization, anarchism continues to attract new adherents among both aging leftists and new generations of young radicals. Arena aims to tap into this revived interest in libertarian ideas, culture and practice by providing a dynamic focal point: a journal that brings together good, stimulating and provocative writing and scholarship on libertarian culture of all kinds.
Designed for a general, intelligent, popular readership as well as for scholars and aficionados working in the area, the first issue of Arena focuses on film and video—historical and modern—and future issues will cover the entire spectrum of the arts: film, theatre, and art criticism as well as political theory and practice, reportage, letters, reviews, and unpublished fiction and nonfiction.