OH, Jang-Whan. "History of the Korean Anarchist Movement from the Origin to 1931"
Law. Symbolic attacks, explosions, assassination attemptsJapan.- History of anarchismKoreaOSUGI, Sakae (17/01/1885-16/09/1923) Anarchiste japonaisKorea.- History of anarchism* bibliographieSIN CH’AEHO (Sin Chae-ho, Shin Ch’aeho, Tanjae) (1880-1936)Thèse de doctorat de 3e cycle, histoire. Dir. Pierre Brocheux. Paris 7 : 1987. [S.l.] : [s.n.]
Korean anarchism was based on a search of liberty and equality and for Korea’s independence. It was developed among the Korean revolutionaries in China, and Korean students in Japan, and was influenced by the special conditions of their host countries : the national tendancy in China, the ideological tendency in Japan.
In China, as from 1920, the revolutionaries and terrorist groups developed into anarchism, which relied particularly on violent methods. Among them, Sin Chai-Ho and Li Hoi-Yong were the great leaders, which originated from the nationalist current.
On the other hand, Kim Won-Bong’s Euiyul Dan (Society of the Braves ), the great terrorist group, used terrorist actions based upon anarchist theory. The famous Korean revolutionary manifesto of Sin Chai-Ho reveals the nationalistic tendency of Korean anarchism.
In Japan, Pak Yul, disciple of Osugi Sakae, attempted to create an ideal society through the anarchist group Huku Hoi (Black Friends Associaiton ).
In Korea, anarchism was dominated by Pak Yul’s doctrines until the end of the 1920s.