

THÉVENET, Alain. "William Godwin (1756-1836) : des lumières à l’anarchisme"

Thèse Lettres, Lyon 3, sous la dir. de François Guéry, Lyon, Université Jean Moulin : 2000. 2 vol. (370, 297 f.). [Le vol. 2 est un vol. d’annexes]. (...)

PROUDHON, Pierre-Joseph (1809-1865). 2. Works 2. Studies

Biographies Brogan, D. W. Proudhon Ward, Dana "Biography" Woodcock, G. P.-J. Proudhon: a Biography. London: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1956. (...)

PROUDHON, Pierre-Joseph (1809 - 1865).- Bibliographie

Bibliographie. 1.- Oeuvres de Proudhon Publications Ordre chronologique n.d. Commentaires sur les Mémoires de Fouché ; suivis du Parallèle entre (...)

2002 6 et 7 Décembre. Colloque annuel de la Société P.-J. Proudhon.

Adresse Condition des soies, 7 rue Saint Polycarpe, 69001 Lyon Organisateurs : Société P. J. Proudhon et l’Université solidaire Avec la (...)

ABBOTT, Myron James. “‘Anarchy’ and Anarchism: Santayana on the Basis of Political and Moral Authority.”

Ph. D. Diss. Vanderbilt University, 1974. 350 p. DAI, Vol. 35-12a, Page 7953

BAUGH, G. “The Philosophical Anarchism of Robert Paul Wolff : Strange Anarchy"

University of British Columbia, Canada, 1984. p

BUCCI, John Anthony. "Philosophical Anarchism and Education,"

Boston School of Education, Doctorate in Education 1974. 257 p. DAI, Vol. 35-02a, Page 0939

CARROLL, John. "A Study of the ’Anarcho-Psychological’ Critique: Major Alternative Models of Social and Economic Morality and Behaviour, 1840-1940"

Cambridge University, London, Ph.D., 1973

CHALWIN, R. D. A . "Philosophy of Science in the Anarchism of Petlr Kropotkin"

University of Wales, Swansea, M.A. 1985

CLARK, John P. "The Social and Political Philosophy of William Godwin"

Tulane University, Ph.D. 1974

COON, Deborah J. “Courtship with Anarchy: The Sociopolitical Foundations of William James’s Pragmatism".

Ph.d. Harvard University, 1988. 369 p DAI, VOL. 50-02A, Page 0529 “A major point of the thesis is that pragmatism was not merely the logical (...)

DANLEY, J. R. "An Examination of Process Arguments in Robert Nozick’s Anarchy, State and Utopia"

University of Rochester, Ph.D., 1976