MOK, Chu Yu


MOK, Chu Yu. The Revolution is dead, long live the Revolution

Compiled and edited by the 70’s. Hong Kong: The 70s,1979. 291 p. 17x19 cm. CIRA, Lausanne intr. Kan San. Montreal: Black Rose Books, 1979. 247 p. (...)

MOK, Chu Yu. Three Essays on the New Mandarins.

Pref. by Lee Yu See. Hong Kong: Minus 6 (s.d.) iv-58 p. ill. 17x18 cm. CIRA, Lausanne

MOK, Chu Yu. Voices from Tienanmen Square: Beijing Spring and the Democracy Movement

ed. Mok Chiu Yu and J. Frank Harrison. Introd. George Woodcock. Montreal: Black Rose Books, 1990. 203 p. 23 cm. CIRA, (...)