COLSON, Daniel. Trois essais de philosophie anarchiste
Paris : L. Scheer, 2004 (21-Dijon-Quetigny : Impr. Darantiere). - 376 p. ; 21 cm. - (Manifeste). Bibliogr. p. 373-377. ISBN 2-84938-014-8 (br.) (...)
Paris : L. Scheer, 2004 (21-Dijon-Quetigny : Impr. Darantiere). - 376 p. ; 21 cm. - (Manifeste). Bibliogr. p. 373-377. ISBN 2-84938-014-8 (br.) (...)
Bulletin, suppl. n°3, Institut d’Histoire du Temps Présent, (16 octobre 1981)
"Contemporary thought, in its postmodern incarnation, would like to rule out the reality of a divide between nature and culture; given the (...)
« je continue de penser que cette contestation entre la gauche libre et la gauche progressiste est le problème essentiel de notre mouvement […]Si (...)
This article is published in the French anarchist journal Réfractions, May 2008 with several other texts about postmodernity, including one by (...)
ntroduction by Denis O’Hearn. Oakland, CA : PM Press, 2008. xx, 261 p. ; 21 cm. Bibliographical references p. 243-256. Index. ISBN : (...)
Author’s Abstract The problem of the "attribution of irrationality" has been widely debated in social sciences. The present paper discussed its (...)
Anarchist Developments in Cultural Studies (2013) 1 ABSTRACT While the study of anarchism has undergone a renaissanc e in recent years, (...)