Population. Panslavisme. Voir aussi "Slaves"


BAKUNIN, Mihail Aleksandrovič (1814-1876) .- Studies

Avrich, Paul Berlin, I."Herzen and Bakunin on individual liberty", in E.J. Simmons (editor), Continuity And Change In Russian Thought, (...)

BAKUNIN, Mihail Aleksandrovič (1814-1876).- Studies (Continued)

Back to previous J. Lavrin; "Bakunin", in his Russia, Slavdom And The Western World, (London: Geoffrey Bles, 1969) pp. 101-114. A. Lehning; (...)

Bibliographie des études en langue française sur Michel Bakounine.

Angaut, Jean-Christophe. Bakounine jeune hégélien. La philosophie et son dehors. La croisée des chemins, 2007. 176 pages • 14 x 22 • ISBN (...)

CIPKO, Serge. "Mikhail Bakunin and the National Question "

This article first appeared in The Raven: anarchist quarterly, 9, January 1990. Volume 3, number 1 The revolutions of 1848 have often been (...)