GOLDMAN, Emma (1869-1940)


BART, John Anthony. “The Rhetorical Constraints of American Anarchism: 1880-1920”.

Ph.D. 1990. University of Kansas. 261 P. DAI, VOL. 51-11A, Page 3557 Through a number of case studies, particularly Emma Goldman ,Voltairine de (...)

BERRY, E.W. "Rhetoric for the Cause: An Analysis of the Persuasive Discourse of Emma Goldman "

Ph.D., University of California at Los Angeles, 1969

DRINNON, Richard. "Emma Goldman : A Study in American Radicalism"

Ph.D. University of Minnesota, 1957 This work inspired many people to study Emma Goldman after it was publication as a (...)

KRAUTH, Stephanie A. " Emma Goldman : A Woman’s Perspective "

92 P. M.A. 1991 Northeast Missouri State University MAI, VOL. 29-04, Page 0599 Goldman’s critique of women and her preference for men raise the (...)

MADDEN, Genevieve. " ’Home of Lost Dogs’ : A Study Of the ’Mother Earth’ ’Family’ "

Ph.D. 1995, 455 p. State University of New York at Stony Brook, Adviser: Gerald B. Nelson DAI, VOL. 56-10A, Page 3961 A study of the most (...)

PREVOST, G.F. " Raids on Human Consciousness: Writing, Anarchy, and Violence "

Ph.D. 1994. 528 p. The University Of Wisconsin & Milwaukee, Supervisor: Herbert Blau DAI, VOL. 55-06A, Page 1557 Pursues the thematic of (...)

WENZER, Kenneth Clarke. " The Transmigration of Russian Anarcho-Communism "

Ph.D. 1992. 389 p. The Catholic University of America, Director: Catherine Cline DAI, VOL. 53-02A, Page 0597 The Anarcho-communist and Narodnik (...)

BERKMAN, Alexander. Bibliography. 1919 Deportation, its Meaning and Menace: Last Message

by Alexander Berkman and Emma Goldman, Ellis Island, New York, U.S.A., December, 1919. [New York, M. E. Fitzgerald, 1919?] 31, [1] p. 23 (...)

1917 Anarchism on trial : speeches of Alexander Berkman and Emma Goldman before the U. S. District Court, 1917 by Alexander BERKMAN

[Mother Earth Publishing Association, 1917]. 87 p. ports. 23 cm. Cover title: Trial and speeches. New York, 1917

2000 Mai. Congrès de Venise. "L’anarchiste et le juif, histoire d’une rencontre"

Compte-rendu de Freddy Gomez de l’ouvrage "L’anarchico e l’ebreo, storia di un incontro". Textes rassemblés et présentés par Amedeo Bertolo (...)

PINO, Angel. "BA JIN, sa première oeuvre."

Sa première œuvre, parmi celles qui ont été conservées en tout cas, Ba Jin la publie en 1921. C’est une profession de foi ouvertement anarchiste et son (...)

McElroy, Wendy. Freedom, Feminism, and the State : An Overview of Individualist Feminism

A textbook with many rare 19th and 20th century documents. Oakland, Calif. : Independent Institute (Independent studies in political economy). (...)