

CARVAILHO FERREIRA, José Maria. Nova tecnologias e organizaçâo do trabalho

Lisboa, SOCIUS: 1998

RODRIGUES, Edgar. Os anarquistas e os sindicatos

Sementeira, 1981. ISBN:972-9318-19-0

RODRIGUES, Edgar. Socialismo e sindicalismo no Brasil: 1675-1913.

Rio de Janeiro : Laemmert, 1969

SHANTZ, Jeff. "Green Syndicalism: An Alternative Red-Green Vision"

Most approaches to Red and Green (labour and environmentalist) alliances have taken Marxian perspectives, to the exclusion of anarchism and (...)

MAYOUX, Marie et François. Instituteurs pacifistes et syndicalistes : mémoires de F. Mayoux

[Publ. par Frank Mayoux] ; introd. de Daniel Guérin ; postf. de Madeleine Rebérioux . Chamalières : Éd. Canope, 1992. 363 p.-VIII p. de pl. : (...)

AUZIAS, Claire. "La CGT-SR 1926-1928 : un épisode de décentralisation syndicale"

Le Mouvement social suppl. 144 (1988) p. 55-65

LANDI, Giampiero. "Tra anarchismo e sindacalismo rivoluzionario: Armando Borghi nell’USI. (1912-1915)"

Bologna, A.A. 1978-79 Archivio Pinelli (Centro Studi Libertari). Vedere il Bolletino Archivio G. Pinelli

ANTLER, Joyce. "Radical Politics and Labor Organizing", [on Emma Goldman, Rose Pastor Stokes, Rose Pesotta and Rose Schneiderman]

in The Journey Home: Jewish Women and the American Century. New York: Free Press, 1997. Reference provided by Mr. Arieh Lebowitz, Communications (...)

CECCHERINI, Serena. "Luigi Bertoni e Il Risveglio: problemi del Movimento anarchico tra sindacalismo e individualismo (1900 – 1906)"

Università degli Studi di Firenze, Facoltà di Scienze Politiche. Relatore: Prof. Gaetano Arfè. Anno Accad. 1979 – 1980 Archivio Famiglia (...)

LOMBARDO, Guido. "Anarchismo e sindacalismo in Armando Borghi".

Università degli Studi di Firenze, Facoltà di Scienze Politiche. Relatore: Prof. G. Arfé. Anno Accad. 1986 – 1987. Archivio Famiglia (...)

GAMBONE, Larry "Syndicalism in Myth and Reality"

THE MYTHS OF SYNDICALISM Syndicalism died after WWI. Syndicalism was finished as a revolutionary movement by 1910. Syndicalism was finished off (...)

GAMBONE, Larry. "Reform and Revolution: Moderates and Revolutionaries in the French CGT".

This is a reviewed edition of a text which also appeared in Anarchist Archives ANARCHISM AND SYNDICALISM Until the outbreak of the First (...)