Anarchy, Christchurch, New Zealand
International Institute of Social History, Amsterdam (Holland): (1975):no.2
International Institute of Social History, Amsterdam (Holland): (1975):no.2
Irrecuperable Press : Katipo Books, 2007. 154 p. (Paperback). New Zealand. Publisher’s note Rabble Rousers and Merry Pranksters captures some of (...)
1900-1965... INDUSTRIAL Unionism was the driving force behind militant trade unionism in the early nineteen hundreds. The IWW first (...)
The Aotearoa Workers Solidarity Movement (AWSM) is an organisation working towards a classless, stateless society: anarchist-communism. We are (...)
Le Mouvement de solidarité des travailleurs de Aoetearoa (AWSM - Aotearoa Workers Solidarity Movement) est une organisation communiste libertaire (...)
Rebel Press, Wellington (New Zealand), 2010. 168 p. ISBN: 978-0-473-17562-7
London, Berkeley; Wellington: Kate Sharpley Library & Aotearoa Workers’ Solidarity Movement, 2012. ISBN 9781873605066 (Anarchist Library (...)