Littérature. Déconstruction


GORDON, Gareth.- Horizons of Change: Deconstruction and the Evanescence of Authority.

ABSTRACT This dissertation considers the troubled relationship between Derridean deconstruction and the realm of theory and action that has (...)

GORDON, Gareth.- Horizons of Change: Deconstruction and the Evanescence of Authority. - Chapter 1. False Start.

Previous: Abstract and Contents List of abbreviations used Introduction Chapter 1. False Start. There is, apparently, no point. So I can’t write (...)

GORDON, Gareth.- Horizons of Change: Deconstruction and the Evanescence of Authority. - Chapter 2. Departures.

Previous: Abstract and Contents List of abbreviations used Introduction Chapter 1. "False Start" Chapter 2. Departures. [A]rtifactuality is (...)

GORDON, Gareth.- Horizons of Change: Deconstruction and the Evanescence of Authority. - Chapter 3. The Bridge: Where it Hinges.

Previous: Abstract and Contents List of abbreviations used Introduction Chapter 1. False Start Chapter 2. Departures Chapter 3. The Bridge: (...)

IBÁŇEZ Tomás.- Mais où sont les luttes d’antan….ou la complainte de la critique

Dans un excellent ouvrage que quelqu’un d’aussi avisé que Freddy Gomez n’a pas hésité à qualifier “d’indispensable” en augurant “qu’il deviendra un (...)