
ACKELSBERG, Martha. Historian and political theorist

American Professor at the Department of Government of Smith College (Northampton, Mass., U.S.A.) where she teaches Applied Democracy and Women’s (...)

ACKELSBERG, Martha. "The Possibility of Anarchism: The Theory and Practice of Non-Authoritarian Organization,"

Ph.D. Diss., Princeton, 1976. 598 p. DAI, Vol. 37-09a, Page 6024

CLEMINSON, Richard. "Hygiène publique, santé et sexualité : Quelques concepts anarchistes"

Cet article entend contribuer à l’historiographie libertaire de la santé et des soins médicaux. Il aborde la problématique particulière du médecin (...)

Anarchism - Freedom on the air. A 4-part radio documentary

Featuring interviews, speeches and analysis by Howard Zinn, Martha Acklesburg, Ann Hansen, Ashanti Alston, Cindy Milstein, la Federation (...)

ACKELSBERG, Martha. "Mujeres Libres: El anarquismo y la lucha por la emancipacion de las mujeres"

Libre Pensamiento, no. 43 (Primavera 2000): 75-81

ACKELSBERG, Martha. "Arquivos, Historia social e historia das mulheres"

Cadernos AEL: Arquivos e memoria, no. 5/6 (1996/1997): 38-50

ACKELSBERG, Martha and Myrna M. BREITBART. "La revolucion social y la colectivizacion"

in Estelas, Laberintos, Nuevas Sendas: Unamuno, Valle Inclan, Garcia Lorca, La Guerra Civil, ed. Angel Loureiro (Barcelona: Anthropos, 1988): (...)

PRICHARD, Alex. "David Held is an Anarchist. Discuss"

Abstract David Held’s international political theory is an echo of many of many of the core ideas at the heart of the anarchist tradition. These (...)

MINTZ, Frank. Anarchism and Workers’ Self-Management in Revolutionary Spain

AK Press, 2013. 327 P. Index. Appendices. ISBN :978-1-84935-079-2. Frank Mintz’s classic study of collectivisation and economic (...)