HELMS, Robert P.


Anarchist History.- Philadelphia

N.B.- These pictures were made possible thanks to the wonderful assistance of Robert P. Helms, who among many things is the author of the (...)

HELMS, Robert P. "Un Américain découvre Mirbeau"

Cahiers Octave Mirbeau, n° 2, 1995, pp. 234-237

WEINBERG, Chaim Leib. Forty Years in the Struggle: The Memoirs of a Jewish Anarchist

Translated by Naomi Cohen Edited and annotated by Robert P. Helms Jointly published by Wooden Shoe Books & Robert P. Helms Philadelphia, 2007 (...)

HELMS, Robert H. "Paul Avrich: A Eulogy"

Good Afternoon. My name is Bob Helms, and I had the privilege of knowing Paul Avrich during the last several years of his life. I wish to warn (...)