LE GUIN, Ursula Kroeber (1/12/1929-....)


Anarchism in America

USA, 1981. 75 Mins., 16 mm. Original script by Paul Berman, in collaboration with Kristina Boden, Steven Fischler, Gerald Kagan, Lora Myers and (...)

BITTNER, J.W. "Approaches to the Fiction of Ursula Le Guin,"

Ph.D., University of Wisconsin, 1979.

MCMAHON, Daniel Jordan. " Maps of Myth-Reading: Utopias as Revolutionary Mythologies "

Ph. D., 1996. University of Maryland College Park. 1996. 117 p. Chair: Verlyn FLIEGER DAI, 57, no. 10A, (1996): 4381 “Plato expels the artists (...)

GRUBACIC, Andrej & GRAEBER, David.- Anarchism, or The Revolutionary Movement of The Twenty-First Century

"Above all, anarchism, as an ethics of practice—the idea of building a new society "within the shell of the old"—has become the basic inspiration (...)

1980 Feb. 18-24. First International Symposium on Anarchy, Portland (Oregon), U.S.A.

This very well attended but controversial symposium was particularly highlighted by the round table on anarchisme and literature, with the (...)

Le Guin, Ursula Kroeber (1/12/1929 - )

Ursula Le Guin is the daughter of the famous anthropologist Alfred Kroeber and writer Theodora Kroeber. Ursula Le Guin has authored many (...)

DAVIS, Laurence & Peter STILLMAN (eds.), The New Utopian Politics of Ursula K. le Guin’s The Dispossessed

Lanham (MD), Lexington Books, 2005, xxvii, 324 pages. "For three decades Le Guin’s The Dispossessed has inspired debates about competing (...)

LE GUIN, Ursula Kroeber. Les Dépossédés

roman ; traduit de l’américain par Henry-Luc Planchat Traduction de : The Dispossessed ; Paris : R. Laffont (Collection : Ailleurs et demain), (...)

ESCUDIÉ, Hélène, "Ursula K. Le Guin, une Alchimie de l’Ailleurs, De la structure au mythe".

Dir. : André Bleikasten, Université Marc Bloch, Strasbourg II, U.F.R. des langues vivantes, 2004. 2 tomes, 919 p.

SCRIVENER, Michael. "The Anarchist Aesthetic"

"The form of government that is most suitable to the artist is no government at all." Oscar Wilde "The anarchist painter is not he who does (...)

CALL, Lewis. "Postmodern Anarchism in the Novels of Ursula K. Le Guin"

Substance: A Review of Theory & Literary Criticism (2007) Vol. 36 Issue 2, p. 87-105. Discusses critical awareness of Le Guin’s anarchism in (...)

Ursula K Le Guin on Anarchism, Writing

Contributed by: strangers As part of my investigation of the intersection of anarchism and fiction, I conducted an interview with Ursula K (...)