TUCKER, Benjamin Ricketson, (1854-1939)


AVRICH, Paul. Bibliography

A major American historian of anarchism in the United States, but also of the Russian Revolution of 1917.

Gli esistenzialisti dell’anarchia

Tra gli elementi che più hanno caratterizzato il pensiero anarchico alcuni pongono l’estrema varietà di analisi e soluzioni etiche, politiche ed (...)

The Historian’s Eye

"The struggle of man against power is the struggle of memory against forgetting." Milan Kundera The anarchist movement has been for a very (...)

L’anarchisme individualiste

Quelques figures marquantes de l’anarchisme individualiste Otanès : "je ne veux ni commander, ni obéir." Hérodote [1]. "La Révolution a comme (...)

BROOKS, Frank Hans. “Anarchism, Revolution, and Labor in the Thought of Dyer D. Lum: ‘Events Are The True Schoolmasters,’"

Ph.D. Cornell University, 1988. 466 p. DAI, VOL. 49-10A, Page 3139, 00466 Page “Dyer Daniel Lum (1839-1893), an American labor activist and (...)

EBNER, D. "Benjamin R. Tucker and the Ideology of the Individualist Anarchists in America"

Ph.D.,New York University, 1968

LEVITAS, I. J. " The Unterrified Jeffersonian : B.R. Tucker "

New York University, Ph.D. 1974

PERKONS, Renate. "Benjamin R.Tucker—a fighter against his age"

Benjamin R.Tucker—a fighter against his age an interpretation of the dominant spokesman for individualist anarchism in America, 1881-1908 by (...)

Benjamin R. Tucker and the Champions of Liberty: A Centenary Anthology

edited by Michael E. Coughlin, Charles H. Hamilton, and Mark A. Sullivan. 1st ed. St. Paul : M.E. Coughlin : M. Sullivan, 1986.. x, 224 p., [1] (...)

MINERVINO, Stefania. "L’individualismo tra cultura e anarchia: il caso Benjamin R. Tucker".

Milano, A.A. 1992-93. Archivio Pinelli (Centro Studi Libertari). Vedere il Bolletino Archivio G. Pinelli

ARMAND E. "The Anarchism of E. Armand. A collection of writings of E. Armand, a French Individualist anarchist and last of the ’classical’ anarchists" by Larry GAMBONE.

The life of E. Armand (1872-1963) spanned the history of anarchism. He was influenced by Leo Tolstoy and Benjamin Tucker, and to a lesser extent (...)

SCHWARTMAN, Jack. "Ingalls, Hanson, and Tucker: Nineteenth-Century American Anarchists"

The American Journal of Economics and Sociology, 2003, 62, 5 supplement, Nov, 315-342 Henry George’s economic policies as viewed by three (...)