TURCATO, Davide, researcher

Davide Turcato is a language engineer.

In 2009, as a PhD student with the department of History, Simon Fraser University, Davide Turcato has won the prestigious Governor General’s Gold Medal. This is the highest award granted to a Canadian student for academic achievement and was awarded for his thesis "Making Sense of Anarchism : The Experiments with Revolution of Errico Malatesta, Italian Exile in London, 1889-1900."

He is currently editing the complete works of Errico Malatesta for the publishers Edizioni "Zero in Conduct" and "La Fiaccola".


TURCATO, Davide. "Italian anarchism as a transnational movement, 1885-1915"

INTERNATIONAL REVIEW OF SOCIAL HISTORY Vol. 52 (Dec. 2007) pp. 407-444 Part 3. Abstract from author Analyses of anarchism emphasizing cyclical (...)

GRAHAM, Robert. Anarchism. A Documentary History of Libertarian Ideas Vol. II

Black Rose Books, 535 pages, 6x9, bibliography, index Paperback ISBN: 978-1-55164-310-6 $28.99 Hardcover ISBN: 978-1-55164-311-3 $48.99 (...)

TURCATO, Davide.- "European Anarchism in the 1890s: Why Labor Matters in Categorizing Anarchism

WorkingUSA: The Journal of Labor and Society · 1089-7011 · Volume 12 · September 2009 · pp. 451–466

TURCATO, Davide."Making Sense of Anarchist History: Anarchists, Historians and Rationality"

Author’s Abstract The problem of the "attribution of irrationality" has been widely debated in social sciences. The present paper discussed its (...)

TURCATO, Davide."Making sense of anarchism: The experiments with revolution of Errico Malatesta, Italian exile in London, 1889—1900"

Burnaby B.C. : Simon Fraser University, 2009. Theses (Dept. of History) / Simon Fraser University. xi, 421 leaves : ill. Abstract This thesis (...)

TURCATO, Davide. “Collective Action, Opacity, and the ‘Problem of Irrationality’: Anarchism and the First of May, 1890– 1892,”

Anarchist societies are purposely opaque in nature ; despite appearing simplistic or strange, anarchism may be complex and rational. Journal (...)

BERRY, David and Constance BANTMAN, "New Perspectives on Anarchism, Labour and Syndicalism: The Individual, the National and the Transnational"

Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2010. 245 p. # ISBN-10: 1443823937 # ISBN-13: 978-1443823937 This collection presents exciting new research on (...)

TURCATO, Davide. “Spiegarsi l’anarchismo”

A-Rivista Anarchica, Milano (giugno 2009) No. 345 p. 89-94. (Traduzione del’introduzione del vol. II di Robert Graham ed., Anarchism: A (...)

TURCATO, Davide. Leggere Malatesta

Editrice Bruno Alpini, Immola, 2010. 20 p. Questa è la versione italiana riveduta di una conferenza data il 18 novembre 2009 al Department of (...)

Pubblicazione delle opere complete di Errico Malatesta

La Biblioteca libertaria "Armando Borghi", in collaborazione con la Biblioteca comunale "Luigi Dal Pane", organizza a Castel Bolognese la (...)

MALATESTA, Errico. Opere Complete vol. 4. "VERSO L’ANARCHIA". Malatesta in America 1899-1900

A cura di Davide Turcato. Saggio introduttivo di Roberto Giulanelli. Associazione culturale "Zero in Condotta" & Edizioni La Fiaccola, 2011. (...)

MALATESTA, Errico. Opere Complete vol. 3. "UN LAVORO LUNGO E PAZIENTE..." Il socialismo anarchico dell’Agitazione 1897-1898

A cura di Davide Turcato. Saggio introduttivo di Roberto Giulanelli. Associazione culturale "Zero in Condotta" & Edizioni La Fiaccola, 2011. (...)