MARX, Karl (1818-1883)


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Mémoire de Maîtrise, IEP Bordeaux, 1978

BERTHET, Dominique. "Revolutionary Ideologies: Theory of Reflection and Fantasy"

Thèse doctorat (Nouveau Doctorat) sous la direction de Marc JIMENEZ, Philosophie, [S.l.] : [s.n.] PARIS 1 : 1993 PARIS-SORBONNE-BIU Centrale; (...)

L’autre prince anarchiste : Warlaam TCHERKESOFF.

Si les gens cultivés connaissent le prince Kropotkin, qui avait renoncé à tous ses titres, rares sont ceux qui connaissent un autre ex-prince, qui (...)

TCHERKESOFF, Warlaam Dzon Aslanovic.- Bibliographie

Archives Archives de la Préfecture de Police de Paris, B a/ 1616. La correspondance d’Emma Goldman mise en microfilms contient plusieurs lettres (...)

ANDREWS, Stephen Pearl (March 22, 1812 - May 21, 1886). Mentor for a global utopia

Did you ever hear about "Time Dollar Communities", "Temporary Autonomous Zones (TAZ)", "alter-globalization"? Andrews, one of the founders of (...)

NETTLAU, Max. Bibliographie

Der Anarchismus von Proudhon zu Kropotkin : seine historische Entwicklung in den Jahren 1859-1880/ Nettlau, Max. Berlin: Verlag "Der (...)

CLARK, John. A Social Ecology. 06. An Ecology of the Imagination

Previous: Presentation 1. The Social and the Ecological 2. A Dialectical Holism 3. No Nature 4. The Ecological Self 5. A Social Ecology of Value (...)

PROUDHON, Pierre-Joseph (1809 - 1865).- Bibliographie

Bibliographie. 1.- Oeuvres de Proudhon Publications Ordre chronologique n.d. Commentaires sur les Mémoires de Fouché ; suivis du Parallèle entre (...)

DE MATTEIS, P.B. "Individuality and the Social Organism: The Controversy Between Max Stirner and Karl Marx"

Southern Illinois University, Ph.D. 1972

HALBROOK, Stephen P. " The Bakunin -Marx Controversy "

Florida State University, Ph.D. 1972

THOMAS, Paul. " Karl Marx’s Disputes with the Anarchists "

Ph.D., Harvard University, Dept. of Political Science, 1973

Dreaming America: How Utopian was the Icarian Experiment? (1)

The utopian dimension of historical experiences needs some delineation: did explorers, pioneers and immigrants, experience America as the land of (...)