MORRIS, William (1834-1896)


Lucy Parsons Meets William Morris

Britain 2000 20 minutes DIRECTOR: Helena Stevens. Lucy Parsons was one of the first emancipated women in the history of the American (...)

C’est la faute à Max...

Autrichien né à Neuwaldegg, en 1865, étudiant de philologie et de la langue celte, il fut sans doute l’un des premiers individus à recueillir les (...)

BEVINGTON, Louisa Sarah (Guggenberger). (1845-1895). English woman poet and anarchist

Archives Bevington, Louise. 5 letters to Louise Michel. 1894, 1895, s.d.International Institute of Social History, Amsterdam (Holland) (...)

MCMAHON, Daniel Jordan. " Maps of Myth-Reading: Utopias as Revolutionary Mythologies "

Ph. D., 1996. University of Maryland College Park. 1996. 117 p. Chair: Verlyn FLIEGER DAI, 57, no. 10A, (1996): 4381 “Plato expels the artists (...)

KNOWLES, Rob. "Carlyle, Ruskin, Morris: Work across the ’river of fire’ "

History of Economics Review, Special Issue in Honour of Ray Petridis, Issue No.34, Summer 2001.

SCRIVENER, Michael. "The Anarchist Aesthetic"

"The form of government that is most suitable to the artist is no government at all." Oscar Wilde "The anarchist painter is not he who does (...)

BOOS, Florence ed. and annot. William Morris’s Socialist Diary

History Workshop Journal, Issue 13, Spring 1982 Reprinted 1985, with additions, by the Journeyman Press and the London History Workshop Centre. (...)

BANTMAN, Constance. "MORRIS anarchiste ?"

Revue Française de Civilisation Britannique, Paris, numéro spécial « William MORRIS », Vol.XIII, n°1, 173p, automne 2004

Alex Prichard, Ruth Kinna, Saku Pinta and Dave Berry, eds. Libertarian Socialism

Palgrave Macmillan, 2012. 288 p. ISBN : 9780230280373 (Hardback). Editor’s Presentation The history of the left is usually told as one of (...)