The Anarchist Guest. Emma Goldman
Canada, 2000, color and B&W, 41 minutes and 30 seconds, Toronto Romalis Productions. SCREENWRITERS: Coleman Romalis, Clarke Mackey, David (...)
Canada, 2000, color and B&W, 41 minutes and 30 seconds, Toronto Romalis Productions. SCREENWRITERS: Coleman Romalis, Clarke Mackey, David (...)
Foreword by Leon Litwack. Candace Falk, editor; Barry Pateman, associate editor; Jessica M. Moran, assistant editor; Susan Wengraf, Illustrations (...)
Women’s History Review 2002 11(1): 11-26 With her high sense of drama, Emma Goldman played an important role on the political landscape but also (...)
OAH Newsletter (May 2006) Vol. 34 Issue 2, p.22.
La galerie Praz-Delavallade est heureuse d’annoncer la seconde exposition personnelle qu’elle consacre à Andrea Bowers. Dans cette exposition « An (...)
Praz-Delavallade is pleased to announce the second solo show devoted to LA-based artist Andrea Bowers. An Eloquent Woman is an exhibition that (...)
Edited by Candace Falk; Barry Pateman, associate editor; Susan Wengraf, illustrations editor; Robert Cohen, consulting editor. Stanford (...)
Candace Falk, editor; Barry Pateman, associate editor ; Jessica M. Moran, assistant editor. Berkeley : University of California Press. v. : ill. (...)
Microfilm 69 reels Guide: Emma Goldman: A Guide to Her Life and Documentary Sources Edited by Candace Falk, Stephen Cole and Sally Thomas 1995 (...)
Media: Microfilm 69 reels Guide: Emma Goldman: A Guide to Her Life and Documentary Sources Edited by Candace Falk, Stephen Cole and Sally Thomas (...)