

BOOKCHIN, Murray. Society and Ecology

The problems which many people face today in "defining" themselves, in knowing "who they are"—problems that feed a vast psychotherapy industry—are (...)

SIMON, Perrine.- "Les Attitudes culturelles dans Les Temps nouveaux , journal et supplément littéraire"

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HIRSCH, Steven Jay. " The Anarcho-Syndicalist Roots of A Multi-Class Alliance: Organized Labor and The Peruvian Aprista Party, 1900-1933 "

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KOENIG, Brigitte Anne. " American anarchism: The politics of gender, culture, and community from Haymarket to the First World War "

Ph. D. University of California, Berkeley, 2000. 509 p. Adviser: Lawrence W. Levine. ISBN: 0-599-85965-2 DAI-A 61/07, p. 2886, Jan 2001 This (...)

MANCINI, Matthew Joseph. " The Covert Themes of American Anarchism, 1881-1908: Time, Space, and Consciousness as Anarchist Myth"

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SABATINI, Peter Joseph, Jr. " The Marginalization of Anarchism "

Ph.D. 1995, 347 p. University of California, Irvine Chair: Lewis A. Froman DAI, VOL. 56-04A, Page 1512 “ The study accounts for the current (...)

SALERNO, Salvator " The Early Labor Radicalism of the Industrial Workers of the World : a Socio-Cultural Critique "

Ph. D. Thesis, Brandeis University, Jan. 1986. 229 p. DAI, VOL. 47-07A, Page 2758 "…Wobblies replaced the institutional basis of unionism with a (...)

SHAFFER, Kirwin Ray. " Purifying The Environment For The Coming New Dawn: Anarchism and Counter-Cultural Politics In Cuba, 1898- 1925 "

PH.D. University of Kansas,1998. 371 p. Chair: ANTON ROSENTHAL DAI, VOL. 59-10A, Page 3935 "Anarchists organized themselves into a constant (...)

STEAKLEY, J. D. " Anarchism and Culture: The Political and Cultural Theories of Erich Muehsam "

Ph.D., Cornell University, 1986 DAI, VOL. 47-02A, Page 0628 "In the research of the past decade, Erich Muhsam (1878-1934) has clearly emerged (...)

VALENTA, Markha Gabrielle. " The radical folly of love in (post)modern America: The autobiographical narratives of Dorothy Day "

Ph. D. The University of Iowa, 1999. 523 p. Adviser: Barbara Eckstein. ISBN: 0-599-47184-0 DAI-A 60/08, p. 2987, Feb 2000 "This dissertation (...)

JOANILHO, André Luiz, FERRARI, Syda e APARECIDA ROZZINELI, Vania. "Operários e anarquistas: fazendo teatro."

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