

FENERICK, JOSÉ ADRIANO. O anarquismo literário: uma utopia na contramão da modernização do Rio de Janeiro, 1900-1920. São Paulo. 1997. 126 p.

Dissertação (Mestrado) Arquivo Edgard Leuenroth

DOYLE, Michael William. “The Haight-Ashbury Diggers and the Cultural Politics of Utopia, 1965-1968”

Ph.d., Cornell University, 1997. 514 p. Adviser: Michael KAMMEN DAI, 58, no. 11A, (1997): 4415 “The Diggers were an innovative collective of (...)

MCMAHON, Daniel Jordan. " Maps of Myth-Reading: Utopias as Revolutionary Mythologies "

Ph. D., 1996. University of Maryland College Park. 1996. 117 p. Chair: Verlyn FLIEGER DAI, 57, no. 10A, (1996): 4381 “Plato expels the artists (...)

Dreaming America: How Utopian was the Icarian Experiment? (1)

The utopian dimension of historical experiences needs some delineation: did explorers, pioneers and immigrants, experience America as the land of (...)

Dreaming America: How Utopian was the Icarian Experiment? (2)

– Introduction Part 2. Utopia and the Collective Imagination Part 1. Enthusiasm, Illusion and the Decline of Fraternity One of the most (...)

Dreaming America: How Utopian was the Icarian Experiment? (3)

Introduction Part 1 Part 2. Utopia and the Collective Imagination Cabet caught the attention of such influential people as Marx and Engels who (...)

LUIZETTO, Flávio. As utopias anarquistas

São Paulo, Brasiliense, 98p, 1987. IFCH

COLOMBO, Eduardo. "Do desejo à utopia"

– In A Ideia - anartista -, n° 30-3, outubro 1983. Lisboa, Portugal. [Original francés : L’utopie contre l’eschatologie]

SCHÉRER, René. Y a-t-il une langue de l’utopie ?

En lisant cette question, les vers de l’invitation au voyage me sont immédiatement venus à l’esprit : "Tout y parlerait à l’âme en secret sa douce (...)

2000 (14-15 octobre). Rencontres "Gardarem l’utopie !"

Exposition du 13 octobre au 28 octobre Utopie des Iles Bienheureuses dans le Pacifique en l’An 1980 proposée par l’Association LIBER TERRE à (...)

TOMEK, Václav. "From the idea of freedom to Authoritarian Emancipation. Historic Experience of Czech Anarchism"

in Sekelj, Laslo and Tomek,Václav (eds). Anarchism. Community and Utopia. Prague, 1993.

COLSON, Daniel. Le Judaïsme libertaire d’Europe centrale.

Né en Occident, l’anarchisme a pourtant des origines multiples, des pays latins (Proudhon) au monde slave (Bakounine et Kropotkine), en passant par (...)