

La ideología política del anarquismo español, 1868-1910 de Älvarez JUNCO

Madrid, Siglo XXI, 1976, 660 pp;, 12/21 cm. El trabajo de Älvarez Junco tiene muchas cualidades, como son una lectura fácil, aunque larga; muchas (...)

CLARK, John P. A Bibliography

Publications in English and other languages except French and Italian Français - Italiano 1972 "Creating a New School" in Innovative Education (...)

BAKUNIN, Mihail Aleksandrovič (1814-1876) .- Studies

Avrich, Paul Berlin, I."Herzen and Bakunin on individual liberty", in E.J. Simmons (editor), Continuity And Change In Russian Thought, (...)

BAKUNIN, Mihail Aleksandrovič (1814-1876).- Studies (Continued)

Back to previous J. Lavrin; "Bakunin", in his Russia, Slavdom And The Western World, (London: Geoffrey Bles, 1969) pp. 101-114. A. Lehning; (...)

EBNER, D. "Benjamin R. Tucker and the Ideology of the Individualist Anarchists in America"

Ph.D.,New York University, 1968

STEAKLEY, J. D. " Anarchism and Culture: The Political and Cultural Theories of Erich Muehsam "

Ph.D., Cornell University, 1986 DAI, VOL. 47-02A, Page 0628 "In the research of the past decade, Erich Muhsam (1878-1934) has clearly emerged (...)

STEVENSON, Billie J. " The Ideology of American Anarchism, 1880 - 1910 "

Ph.D. Th. U. of Iowa, 1972.

STRAUS, Reed. " The Anarchist Argument: An Analysis of Three Justifications of Anarchism ’

Ph. D. Diss., Columbia U., 1973

YOAST, Richard Alan. " The Development of Argentine Anarchism: A Socio-Ideological Analysis "

Ph. D. Diss., U. of Wisconsin, 1975. 497 p. DAI, Vol. 36-08a, Page 5524

CÓRDOVA, Arnaldo. La Ideología de la revolución mexicana.

México: Era, 1973.

ALBEROLA, Octavio. "Le Déclin idéologique et révolutionnaire de l’anarcho-syndicalisme espagnol"

diplôme, EHESS, 1981. – "Le déclin idéologique et révolutionnaire de l’anarcho-syndicalisme espagnol", dans Anarcho-syndicalisme et luttes ouvrières (...)