SNYDER, Gary (1930-…). Poète


CLARK, John. A Social Ecology. 03. No Nature

Previous: Presentation 1. The Social and the Ecological 2. A Dialectical Holism No Nature So much for the truth of the whole. However, a (...)

L’imaginaire prophétique

Page 1 Page 2 Page 4 L’approche de Castoriadis nous encourage à rechercher dans l’imaginaire actuel les germes d’une nouvelle orientation. " Il (...)

SCRIVENER, Michael. "The Anarchist Aesthetic"

"The form of government that is most suitable to the artist is no government at all." Oscar Wilde "The anarchist painter is not he who does (...)

GRAHAM, Robert. Anarchism. A Documentary History of Libertarian Ideas Vol. II

Black Rose Books, 535 pages, 6x9, bibliography, index Paperback ISBN: 978-1-55164-310-6 $28.99 Hardcover ISBN: 978-1-55164-311-3 $48.99 (...)

L’AMINOT, Tanguy. "Entretien avec Gilles Farcet sur J.-J. Rousseau, Henry David Thoreau et Gary Snyder"

Etudes J.-J. Rousseau, n°5 : La Nouvelle Héloïse aujourd’hui, 1991, p. 99-126.

MESSERSMITH-GLAVIN, Paul. Between Social Ecology and Deep Ecology: Gary Snyder’s Ecological Philosophy

Published by the Institute for Anarchist Studies Gary Snyder is not a philosopher, nor does he “consider himself particularly a ‘Beat.’”(1) (...)