
voir aussi : Désobéissance civile - Non résistance - Objection de conscience - Pacifisme - Violence


JOSÉ FORTE, ANTÓNIO. Un couteau entre les dents"

Traduction inédite du portugais et présentations : Alfredo Fernandes & Guy Girard. Dessins : Aldina Éditions AB IRATO, 2007. 240 pp. ISBN : (...)

CARTER, April, Howard Clark and Michael Randle. People Power and Protest since 1945: a bibliography of nonviolent action

A. Introduction to Nonviolent Action 1. Nonviolent Action: Theory, Methods and Examples The aim here is to indicate some classic works on the (...)

HARNEY, Stefano (1962- ) "Fragment on Kropotkin and Giuliani"

Social Text - 72 (Fall 2002) Volume 20, No. 3. pp. 9-20. "Kropotkin’s history of the French Revolution has a revealing chapter on anarchists. (...)

GOODWIN, Adam. "Anarchist Activism as ‘Terrorism’: Questions of Violence vs. Non-Violence"

Unpublished paper, Oct 17, 2008 Conference, St Paul University, Ottawa, Canada – in Mahmoud Masaeli, Ed. The Ethical Wrongfulness of Terrorist (...)

GRAEBER, David. The “Cancer” In Occupy? An Anarchist Reponds

“The Black Bloc anarchists, who have been active on the streets in Oakland and other cities, are the cancer of the Occupy movement.” Chris Hedges, (...)

GANDHI, Mohandas. "Satyagraha vs Passive Resistance"

"My point is that I can definitely assert that in planning the Indian movement there never was the slightest thought given to the possibility or (...)

CARTER, April; David HOGGETT and Adam ROBERTS. Non Violent Action. A Selected Bibliography

London: Housmans, 1970. 83 p.

8 novembre 2014 Guéméné sur Scorff (56).- "Que Maudite soit la guerre ! "

Auberge "Les Trois Marchands", rue Émile Mazé 15 h. Ceux qui disent « NON » à la guerre Interventions de Didier Giraud, Jean-Jacques Cellier, (...)

MEYER, Karl.- "A Conversation between Karl Meyer and Voices Co-coordinators about World Affairs"

Founder of the Nashville Greenlands Catholic Worker community in Nashville, Tennessee "The real threats to security of the United States and (...)

FRATERS, Erica. La désobéissance civile des réfractaires non violents à la guerre d’Algérie

Éditions libertaires, 2017. 33 p. ISBN : 978-2-919568-82-6 ; ISSN : 2498-2679. 4e de couverture Il ne s’agit, ici, que de rappeler des faits et (...)

Lynd, Alice and Staughton. Moral Injury and Nonviolent Resistance

PM Press, 2017. 192 Pages. ISBN: 9781629633794. Publisher’s Presentation When ordinary people have done, seen, or failed to prevent something (...)

GAMBLIN, Claude et Pierre SOMMERMEYER, Non-violence dans la révolution syrienne

Textes présentés par Guillaume Gamblin et Pierre Sommermeyer. 2018 :Éditions libertaires et Silence, 116 p. ill. couleur. ISBN : 078-2-919568-97-7 ; (...)