Tokyo (Japon)


BA JIN (pseud. of Li Pei Kan (1905 -10/17/2005 ). Chinese Writer. A Bibliography

"I do not write to earn a living or to build a reputation. I write to battle enemies. "Who are they? Every outdated traditional notion, every (...)

LEE, Mabel. "May Fourth: Symbol of The Spirit of Bring-It-Here-ism for Chinese Intellectuals,"

Papers on Far Eastern History [Australia] (1990) 41: 77-96. Examines the writings of Chinese intellectuals, living in Japan, such as Zhang Taiyan (...)

SCALAPINO, R and G.T. YU. The Chinese Anarchist Movement -5-

Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Page 6 Page 7 Page 8 Page 9 The Mounting Struggle Against the Government In addition to defending Sun, Hsin (...)

FERRUA, Piero.- "Visite aux camarades de Tokyo"

Chroniques libertaires (déc. 1986) n° 2.