Spanish Anarchist Fighters


GARCIA, Miguel García. Unknown heroes: biographies of Anarchist resistance fighters

ISBN 1-873605-83-8 A5 pamphlet, 20 pages. Kate Sharpley Library, BM Hurricane, London, WC1N 3XX, England or Kate Sharpley Library, PMB 820, 2425 (...)

GARCIA, Miguel García. Looking Back After Twenty Years of Jail: Questions & Answers on the Spanish Anarchist Resistance

Kate Sharpley Library, 2002. 16 pages, A5 Pamphlet. ISBN 1-873605-03-X When we lost the war, those who fought on became the Resistance. But, (...)

THE IRON COLUMN (Columna de Hierro)

Including: Lecera, an Aragonese village living amid Libertarian Communism From Colectivizaciones: la obra constructiva de la revolucion Espanola (...)

MANZANERA, Elias. The Iron Column : Testament of a Revolutionary.

36 pages. Cover art by Josh MacPhee. ISBN: 1-873605-19-6 Kate Sharpley Library, BM Hurricane, London, WC1N 3XX Kate Sharpley Library, PMB 820, (...)

TÉLLEZ SOLÁ, Antonio. Bibliography

– Sabate : guerrilla extraordinary / Antonio Tellez ; translated [from the Spanish] by Stuart Christie. London : Davis-Poynter, 1974. 183 p., [12] (...)