

D’AGOSTINO, , Anthony. "Anarchism in Hungary: Theory, history, legacies"

American Historical Review, vol. 112 (June 2007) No. 3 pp. 953-953.

EVERETT, Martyn War and Revolution: The Hungarian Anarchist Movement in World War I and the Budapest Commune (1919).

Kate Sharpley Library (BM Hurricane, London, WC1N 3XX). 28 pages, illustrated with portraits of Hungarian anarchists. ISBN-10 1-873605-382. ISBN (...)

BAK, Janos M. Liberty and Socialism: Writings of Libertarian Socialists in Hungary, 1884-1919

# Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, 1991. ISBN: 0847676803 Synopsis The writings in this volume reveal to English readers a powerful (...)

BOZÖKI, András and SÜKÖSD, Miklós. Anarchism in Hungary: Theory, History, Legacies.

(English) Translation of Az anarchizmus elmélete és magyarországi története by Alan Renwick. Eastern European Monographs; 670. (December 2005). (...)