GOLDMAN, Emma (1869-1940). International anarchist

A major international figure, Emma Goldman’s influence appears today as strong as in her times. Celebrated or criticized, she has inspired feminists and artists all over the world, such as this work by Flavio Costantini
Emma Goldman’s influence on the American public was outstanding, and although her comments on the Soviet and Spanish revolutions were rejected with contempt by the Brith Left, they still are an important and compelling comment of the international political scene. Even now, some of her writings outclass many of the present day authors who have discussed the same topics.

The Emma Goldman Papers (DL SunSITE)
Internet link (preceded by "http://") :[]

See also all the other references to Emma GOLDMAN in this web


SOLOMON, Martha. "Ideology as rhetorical constraint: The anarchist agitation of ’Red Emma’ Goldman"

Quarterly Journal of Speech (May 1988) vol. 74, n. 2, p. 184 / 17 page(s)

David PORTER: Emma Goldman: A Love for Revolution

Published in Fifth Estate #389, Summer, 2013. Accessed September 1, 2019 at

David PORTER: Emma Goldman in Exile

from Fifth Estate #333, Winter, 1990. Retrieved August 19, 2019 from

David PORTER: Emma Goldman: An Appreciation

Fifth Estate #334, Summer, 1990, retrieved August 18, 2019 from

GOLDMAN, Emma.- Various articles

– A New Declaration of Independence (1909) Mary Wollstonecraft, Her Tragic Life and Her Passionate Struggle for Freedom (1911) The Philosophy of (...)

Emma Goldman Papers Microfilm

Media: Microfilm 69 reels Guide: Emma Goldman: A Guide to Her Life and Documentary Sources Edited by Candace Falk, Stephen Cole and Sally Thomas (...)

FALK, Candace and others, ed., Emma Goldman Papers

Microfilm 69 reels Guide: Emma Goldman: A Guide to Her Life and Documentary Sources Edited by Candace Falk, Stephen Cole and Sally Thomas 1995 (...)

Emma Goldman: a Documentary History of the American Years. Volume 2: Making Speech Free, 1902-1909

Candace Falk, editor; Barry Pateman, associate editor ; Jessica M. Moran, assistant editor. Berkeley : University of California Press. v. : ill. (...)

Emma Goldman: a Documentary History of the American Years. Volume 3: Light and Shadows, 1910-1916

Edited by Candace Falk; Barry Pateman, associate editor; Susan Wengraf, illustrations editor; Robert Cohen, consulting editor. Stanford (...)

FERGUSON, Kathy. Emma Goldman : Political Thinking in the Streets

ROWMAN & LITTLEFIELD, 2011. 362 p. Cloth 0-7425-2300-4 / 978-0-7425-2300-5 Emma Goldman has often been read for her colorful life story, (...)

BURROWS, Paul. " ’Apostle of Anarchy’: Emma Goldman’s First Visit to Winnipeg in 1907"

Manitoba History: The Journal of the Manitoba Historical Society, Number 57, February 2008, pp. 2-15. "Emma Goldman’s influence on the views and (...)

FALK, Candace. "Traditional Constraints on Women as Agents for Social Change in the U.S.A.: Remembering Emma Goldman, A Woman Who “Defied Law and Convention”

in: Le patriarcat et les institutions américaines: Études comparées. Edité par Francis McCollum Feeley août 2009. Université de Savoie, Chambéry, (...)