WENZER, Kenneth C. "Tolstoy’s Georgist Spiritual Political Economy (1897-1910): Anarchism and Land Reform."

TOLSTOÏ, Léon (1828-1910)economy (in general)

American Journal of Economics & Sociology (Oct97) Vol. 56, Edition 4.


Following Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy’s spiritual crisis in the late 1870s many had come to regard him as a "crackpot anarchist" espousing odd ideas such as vegetarianism, nonresistance, and a doctrine of love. The death of his friend Henry George in 1897 spurred him on to renewed endeavors. Tolstoy became the world’s most noteworthy exponent of the American’s ideology, which integrated his previously diffuse commitments. Armed with his universal moral and religious beliefs harmoniously and gently forged with Georgist philosophy, he became the conscience of the world. It was a monumental effort to ground justice in a rational economics and spread enlightenment for the benefit of suffering people.