ORWELL, George. Homage to Catalonia Adapted by Pablo Ley and Allan Baker

art: theaterSpanish Civil War (1936-1939)ORWELL, George (pseud. de Eric BLAIR) (1903-1950)

Directed by Josep Galindo
Designed by Neil Murray
Film by Carles Caparrós
Lighting design by Malcolm Rippeth
Sound design by Mic Pool
An international collaboration developed with the British Council, with the support of ICIC and Filmoteca de Catalunya

The production uses authentic documentary film footage and a strong visual style, alongside a mixture of English and Catalan language, to enable audiences across Europe to experience Orwell’s journey first hand, uncovering more details from a critical moment in Spanish history.
Company: Chantal Aimee, Jane Arnfield, Dani Arrebola, Craig Conway, Alex Elliott, Javier Gamazo, Miquel Gelabert, Tony Neilson, Sasha Pick, Mingo Ràfols.
An extensive education package accompanies Homage to Catalonia designed for older students and their teachers.
It first went to MC93 Bobigny, then at West Yorkshire Playhouse (March 15 to Apr. 3, 2004), Northern Stage & finally at Teatre Romea – Forum Barcelona 2004 production.