Arts. Impressionnisme


HUTTON, John Gary. " A Blow of the Pick: Science, Anarchism, And the Neo-Impressionist Movement "

Ph.D. Northwestern University. 1987. 2 vol. 618 p DAI, VOL. 48-02A, Page 0236 “[T]he relationship between the Neo-Impressionist movement and the (...)

SONN, R. D. " French Anarchism and Cultural Politics in the 1890’s "

Ph.D., University of California at Berkeley, 1981 “…The Symbolist writers and Post-Impressionist painters who were drawn to anarchism in the (...)

ROSLAK, Robyn Sue. "Scientific Aesthetics and the Aestheticized Earth: The Parallel Vision of the Neo-Impressionist Landscape and Anarcho-Communist Social Theory"

Ph.D. diss., University of California, Los Angeles, 1987. ix, 356 leaves ; 28 cm

ROSLAK, Robin S. : "The politics of aesthetic harmony : neo-impressionism, science, and anarchism"

The Art Bulletin ; 73(1991) September, S. 381-39

ROSLAK, Robyn, "Organicism and the Construction of a Utopian Geography: The Role of Landscape in Anarcho-Communism and Neo-Impressionism,"

Utopian Studies 1, no. 2 (1990): 96-114.

"Au temps d’anarchie" : Le peintre impressionniste Paul Signac

Contraint de retitrer son tableau "Au temps d’anarchie", dont on estime que le nom est trop provocateur, Signac l’intitule "Au temps d’harmonie", (...)

LECOUVEY, Hélène. "Le néo-impressionnisme et l’anarchisme dans la France fin-de-siècle "

Le Serment des Horaces 1988-1989 ; (1 automne-hiver) : 83-101 ; 6 ill. Article issu d’un mémoire de maîtrise préparé à l’université de Paris "Etude (...)

WOLOSHYN, Tania. "Neo-impressionism and anarchism in fin-de-siecle France: Painting, politics and landscape"

Oxford Art Journal, vol. 31 Issue: 1 Pages: 164-166 (2008)

ROSLAK, Robyn. "Neo-Impressionism and Anarchism in Fin-De-Siècle France : Painting, Politics and Landscape"

Ashgate Publishing, 2007. 232 pp. 55 mono illus ISBN 978-0-7546-5711-8