
CLEMINSON, Richard " ’Science and Sympathy’ or ’Sexual Subversion on a Human Basis’? Anarchists in Spain and the World League for Sexual Reform"

Project MUSE articles are accessible to subscribing libraries or to members of a society associated with a particular journal. Journal of the (...)

CLEMINSON, Richard. "First Steps towards Mass Sex-Economic Therapy? Wilhelm Reich and the Spanish Revolution".

Anarchist Studies, Volume 1, 1993 No.1 "This Paper analyses the degree of success that the radical psychoanalyst Wilhelm Reich obtained in (...)

CLEMINSON, Richard. "Making Sense of the Body: Anarchism, Nudism and Subjective Experience"

Bulletin of Spanish Studies, Volume LXXXI, Number 6, 2004p. 697-716.

CLEMINSON, Richard. "Anarchism and health reform in the 1930s. "

"Part I: Anarchism, neo-malthusianism, eugenics and concepts of health" Health Care Analysis Volume 3, Number 1 (Feb. 1995) p. 61-67. "Part (...)