The Murder of President William McKinley by Leon Czolgosz
Babcock, Louis F. "The Assassination of President William McKinley", Niagra Frontier Miscellany, xxov (Buffalo Historical Society), 1947. Fox, (...)
Babcock, Louis F. "The Assassination of President William McKinley", Niagra Frontier Miscellany, xxov (Buffalo Historical Society), 1947. Fox, (...)
Paris : G. Authier (Collection Vérités), 1975. 318 p. : couv. ill. en coul. ; 22 cm En appendice, choix de textes et documents. - Bibliogr., 2 p. (...)
Mother Earth Oct. 1907 v. 2 n. 8: pp. 303-06. SIX years have passed since William McKinley met his doom at Buffalo and the return stroke of (...)
Réfractions No. 24 (Printemps 2010) Peu de réflexions libertaires se sont affrontées aux génocides et massacres de masse qui vont rester la marque (...)