Religion. Mythe


NORTE, SERTIO AUGUSTO QUEIROZ. Contra leviatã, contra a história: a travessia do deserto, mitos, literatura e imprensa anarquista no Brasil. São Paulo. 1994. 206 p.

Tese (Doutorado) Arquivo Edgard Leuenroth

CÓRDOVA, Arnaldo. "La mitología de la Revolución Mexicana"

En cierta ocasión al dar inicio una conferencia que impartió en la antigua Escuela (hoy facultad) de Ciencias Políticas y Sociales de la UNAM, don (...)

GOLDBERG, Myshele. "Telling Mythologies. Pasts and Possible Futures in Activist Literature".

Interviewing a number of activists, M. Goldberg explores the underlying mythologies of their prefered readings. Go the website Download the (...)

FEATHERSON, Daniel Rex. "Radical law: Anarchism and myth in the poetry of Robert Duncan’

The University of Arizona, 2006, 173 p.

ANTLIFF, Mark. “Bad Anarchism: Aestheticized Mythmaking and the Legacy of Georges Sorel among the European Left”

in Anarchist Developments in Cultural Studies, No. 2 (2011), pp. 155-187.