"Assassins". Press Reviews
Law. Symbolic attacks, explosions, assassination attemptsMusic. Musical creationsMusic. Musical comediesSee a political comment
The previously scheduled Broadway production of Assassins was originally set to open in November of 2001 until the terrorist events of September 11. Shortly after, it was announced that the production would not go on as planned.
Sondheim and Weidman released a statement soon after saying, "Assassins is a show which asks audiences to think critically about various aspects of the American experience. In light of Tuesday’s murderous assault on our nation and on the most fundamental things in which we all believe, we, the Roundabout, and director Joe Mantello Believe this is not an appropriate time to present a show which makes such a demand."
Sondheim News
Assassins Page
Bold, original, surreal, disturbing, thought-provoking and alarmingly funny, “Assassins” is perhaps the most controversial musical ever written.
This most American of musicals lays bare the lives of nine individuals who assassinated or tried to assassinate the President of the United States, in a one-act historical “revusical” that explores the dark side of the American experience. From John Wilkes Booth to Lee Harvey Oswald, Stephen Sondheim and John Weidman bend the rules of time and space, taking us on a nightmarish rollercoaster ride in which assassins and would-be assassins from different historical periods meet, interact and in an intense final scene inspire each other to harrowing acts in the name of the American Dream.
An intimate acting piece for a largely male ensemble cast, “Assassins” contains some of the finest scene writing in recent memory as well as a brilliant, melodic score which pastiches American music throughout the ages, from folk to ragtime to 1970s soft rock. Its modest production requirements and educational qualities make it a perfect show for schools and smaller theatre companies. Its daring makes it ideal for any group looking for a unique, challenging theatrical experience" Musical Theater International