Music and Anarchism: A Black and Red Directory of Musical Genres
– Radios
– Talks
These pages have been made possible thanks to the contributions of David Brown, Recollection Books and Dr. Leonard Lehrman
– Alternative Rock
– Bands
– Cabaret
– Classical Music
– Folk
– Industrial, Gothic and Anarchic
– Jazz
– Musical Theater
– Off-Broadway
– Opera
– Punk
– Radios
– Rapp
– Singer, Song Writer
– Songs
Anarchy in Milton Keynes
Everyone has their own definition of anarchism. One I find generally useful is the first three paragraphs of the article Peter Kropotkin was (...)
"Anarchism" ? Did you say "anarchism"?
Music is an important part of contemporary youth culture and the 1980s revived an age-old tradition among anarchists. Indeed, there has often (...)
FERRUA, Pietro. "John Cage: An Anarchist put on file by the Brazilian police" ["John Cage: anarquista fichado no Brasil" (in portuguese)"
VERVE. Revista do NU-SOL - Núcleo de Sociabilidade Libertária; Programa de Estudos Pós-Graduados em Ciências Sociais PUC-SP. N° 4 (2003), p.20-31 (...)
PORTIS, Larry. French Frenzies: A Social History of Pop Music in France
– Lightning Source UK Ltd, 2004 ISBN: 1589395476 A lively history of French popular music. The book is unique in showing how French forms of (...)
ZERZAN, John. "Tonality and the Totality"
" Like language, tonality is historically characterized by its unfreedom. We are made tonal by society: only in the elimination of that society (...)
CROOKS, Edward. "Silence: 50th Anniversary Edition. John Cage"
Modernism/Modernity. Baltimore: Apr 2012. Vol. 19, Iss. 2; pg. 409, 3 pgs Abstract (Summary) Despite lengthy technical passages on (...)
ANTLIFF, Allan. "RUINS for Violoncello Quartet"
“RUINS for Violoncello Quartet,” Anarchist Developments in Cultural Studies 2:2 (2011): 31-32.
Arena 3. Anarchism in Music
CONTENTS Introduction — Daniel O’Guérin ; 1 Daniel O’Guérin — What’s in (A) Song? An Introduction to Libertarian Music? ; 2 David Rovics — Busking (...)
HEBLE, Ajay and FISCHLIN, Daniel eds. Rebel Musics: Human Rights, Resistant Sounds, and the Politics of Music Making
Black Rose Books, 2003: 280 pages, 6x9, bibliography, index, photographs. Paperback ISBN: 1-55164-230-1;Hardcover ISBN: 1-55164-231-X; eBook (...)