Music and Anarchism: A Black and Red Directory of Musical Genres

These pages have been made possible thanks to the contributions of David Brown, Recollection Books and Dr. Leonard Lehrman
 Alternative Rock
 Classical Music
 Industrial, Gothic and Anarchic
 Musical Theater
 Singer, Song Writer



Cabaret Voltaire, Zurich (Switzerland) 1917 Since the end of the 19th century, when artists, bohemians and anarchists shared many views about (...)


Evan Greer, folk/rock/punk artist


Anarchy in Milton Keynes

Everyone has their own definition of anarchism. One I find generally useful is the first three paragraphs of the article Peter Kropotkin was (...)

"Anarchism" ? Did you say "anarchism"?

Music is an important part of contemporary youth culture and the 1980s revived an age-old tradition among anarchists. Indeed, there has often (...)

FERRUA, Pietro. "John Cage: An Anarchist put on file by the Brazilian police" ["John Cage: anarquista fichado no Brasil" (in portuguese)"

VERVE. Revista do NU-SOL - Núcleo de Sociabilidade Libertária; Programa de Estudos Pós-Graduados em Ciências Sociais PUC-SP. N° 4 (2003), p.20-31 (...)

PORTIS, Larry. French Frenzies: A Social History of Pop Music in France

– Lightning Source UK Ltd, 2004 ISBN: 1589395476 A lively history of French popular music. The book is unique in showing how French forms of (...)

ZERZAN, John. "Tonality and the Totality"

" Like language, tonality is historically characterized by its unfreedom. We are made tonal by society: only in the elimination of that society (...)

CROOKS, Edward. "Silence: 50th Anniversary Edition. John Cage"

Modernism/Modernity. Baltimore: Apr 2012. Vol. 19, Iss. 2; pg. 409, 3 pgs Abstract (Summary) Despite lengthy technical passages on (...)

ANTLIFF, Allan. "RUINS for Violoncello Quartet"

“RUINS for Violoncello Quartet,” Anarchist Developments in Cultural Studies 2:2 (2011): 31-32.

Arena 3. Anarchism in Music

CONTENTS Introduction — Daniel O’Guérin ; 1 Daniel O’Guérin — What’s in (A) Song? An Introduction to Libertarian Music? ; 2 David Rovics — Busking (...)

HEBLE, Ajay and FISCHLIN, Daniel eds. Rebel Musics: Human Rights, Resistant Sounds, and the Politics of Music Making

Black Rose Books, 2003: 280 pages, 6x9, bibliography, index, photographs. Paperback ISBN: 1-55164-230-1;Hardcover ISBN: 1-55164-231-X; eBook (...)