October 27 London.- Doreen Massey: "Geographies of power - lecture on Venezuela"

Tuesday 27 October, 7-30pm - 9.00pm Simón Bolívar Hall, 54 Grafton Way, London W1

Venezuela is experimenting with new forms of democracy. It aims to address the balance between the dominant coastal cities and the rest of the country. And it is inventing new structures of participatory democracy to parallel those of the representative democracy of the state. In other words, it has taken seriously the important relation between power and space. And in doing so, it has drawn on a concept of Doreen Massey’s: ‘power geometry’. The fourth motor of the revolution, as set out in 2007, is the need to build ‘una nueva geometría del poder’. Doreen Massey reflects on this relation between geography and power, on the Venezuelan experiment, and on the use of the idea of geometries of power in building a more democratic society.
In co-ordination with the Cultural Section of the Venezuelan Embassy
Organised by Leeds Taking Soundings Group
For further information contact Barry Winter