ANDREWS, Stephan Pearl (1812-1886)

(March 22, 1812-May 21, 1886)


The Dinner Party, by Stephan P. Andrews

Andrews description of a dinner party as a sociological model for society has inspired the idea of the "Temporary Autonomous Zone" (TAZ) to the (...)

WARREN, Josiah. Equitable Commerce

EDITOR’S PREFACE New York: 1852. Preface by Stephan Pearl Andrews. I GLADLY accept the pleasing task which my friend, JOSIAH WARREN, has consented (...)

ANDREWS, Stephan P. "Proudhon and His Translator"

The Index (June 22, 1876). Benj. R. Tucker, the business partner and confrère of E. H. Heywood of Princeton, Mass., has translated and (...)