WARREN, Josiah. Equitable Commerce

economy (in general)ANDREWS, Stephan Pearl (1812-1886)WARREN, Josiah


New York: 1852. Preface by Stephan Pearl Andrews.
I GLADLY accept the pleasing task which my friend, JOSIAH WARREN, has consented
that I shall assume, of editing and presenting to the world, in my own way, his works on
“Equitable Commerce,” which is but another name for what I have denominated, in my
books upon the same subject, “The Science of Society.” The present work is the text and
basis of all that I have written on the subject, and of more that I propose to write.
The main body of this book was published as far back as 1846. It has now under-gone
at my request, a revisal by the author, and several important additions have been made,
which may give the appearance of anachronism to some of its statements. To remedy this,
I have surrounded some of the larger insertions of new matter with brackets, to advertise
the reader of the fact, that these last are of a later date than the other parts. The work itself
is one of the most remarkable ever printed. It is a condensed presentation of the most
fundamental principles of social science ever yet discovered. I do not hesitate to affirm
that there is more scientific truth, positively new to the world, and immensely important
in its bearings upon the destiny of mankind, contained in it, than was ever before
consigned to the same number of pages. I am conscious that I am guilty of no
extravagance in predicting that such will be the estimate placed by posterity upon the
discoveries of Mr. Warren.